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"I'm so tired of waking up early in the morning just for this ugly ass school!" Yoon said groaning

Jieun laughed "come on the year is almost over if you think of it!!" Jieun said as Yoon side eyed her

"It's literally the second to last day of February we still have March, April and fucking May" she said annoyed

"Time goes by fast" Yuri said and Yoon shook her head

"No it doesn't not when you're in school" Yunjin said making Yoon agree

"Look isn't that Sejeong" Haerin said making them look over at her walk inside the school

Yunjin sighed "I'm surprised no one is gushing over her right now like Jungwon is" she said laughing

Hyeju laughed "oh my gosh I remember Jieun walking inside on the first day and everyone was eying her like I'm talking about every single person" Hyeju said laughing making Jieun embarrassed

"Oh my gosh Ji you never told me you had a Main character moment!" Yoon said whining

"There was nothing special about it Yoon" she explained "it was embarrassing actually" she added

"She also had a cold aura when she came in!" Chaeryeong said as they all agreed "I didn't know she was nice until she smiled and we started getting closer" Chaeryeong said making Jieun hit her arm

"Oh Jieun you have a Big friend group!" Sejeong said smiling

"It's not that big it's only Yunjin, Me, Yuri, Yoon, Sieun, Hyeju, Haerin, Chaewon, Chaeryeong and Yuri" Jieun laughed and Sejeong looked at ber like she was crazy

"Are you insane? That's ten people!! That's big!" She said with wide eyes

"Hey my wonderful girl!" Beomgyu said twirling around Jieun as she laughed

"Gyu I'm talking to people that's rude to interrupt!" She said scolding him as he apologized until he looked at Sejeong

"Hey Beomgyu long time no see huh?" She said smiling as he looked at her up and down

"Yeah I guess" he said furrowing his eyebrows "so anyways girls do you mind if I take her away for a minute" he said and they let him go with her

He pulled her away and went to his locker and opened his locker

"What are we over here for?" she questioned him as he looked at her and smiled

"I can't spend alone time with my girlfriend?" He said batting his eyes and she rolled her "you spent the whole day with him yesterday, that was supposed to be me" he said frowning

She sighed "me and Jungwon been having this thing since 5th grade where we hang out every Saturday but he was with Sejeong so we went together Sunday" she explained

He scoffed "don't hang around Sejeong shes trouble if it wasn't for her Yeonjun wouldn't be scared to get into relationships" he said clinching his jaw

She gasped "what happened?" She said quietly

He sighed "if I tell you don't tell anyone okay?" He said seriously as she nodded "Yeonjun and Sejeong dated for a while in 10th and 11th grade although it was long distant they somehow still made it work but then he noticed her getting a little distant and long story short she was cheating on him with Woobin well Seo Woobin" He said making her gasp

Seo Woobin....she's heard of the name before...CHAERYEONGS BOYFRIEND

"Wait you said who?" She said trying to see if she heard him right

"𝐈𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬" | Yang JungwonWhere stories live. Discover now