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"Happy Birthday Beomgyu!!" Jieun said on FaceTime as soon as it hit 12:00 am

March is passing by real fast how is it already March 13th???

"Thank you Jieun!" He said yawning with his eyes almost closing

"You need to go to sleep gyu!" She said as he groaned

"But I don't want to its my birthday today!!" He said with his eyes closed

"You're already on the edge of falling asleep so I'll hang up first" she said but he stopped her

"Why don't we just sleep on the phone hmm? That'll be my first birthday present" he said lazily smiling

"O-okay then" she said placing her phone up on her extra pillow and closed her eyes

"Goodnight or Morning Jieun" Beomgyu said and she smiled

"Goodnight my birthday boy" she said then drifting off to sleep


"Jieun who is that on your phone?" Sieun looking at Jieuns phone

"What do you mean?" Jieun said groaning with a sleepy voice

"That man with his shirt off sleeping peacefully on your damn phone dumbass" Sieun said as Jieun looked at her phone to see Beomgyu and she quickly muted the phone so he couldn't hear them

"It's Beomgyu duh" Jieun said sighing as Sieun rolled her eyes

"When did he get brown hair? He looks a little different now" Sieun said laughing a little bit

"Yeah he dyed his hair" Jieun replied as Sieun hummed

"Jieun? You there?" Beomgyu said yawning as she smiled at her phone and unmuted it

"I'm here I'm talking to Sieun right now" she said as he stretched his arms

"Oh hi Sieun long time no see" he said putting his shirt on then waving at the camera as she waved back

"You better be keeping my baby sister safe!" She said as he nodded "anyways you need to get ready for school" she said and left out the room

"I woke up in the middle of the night and saw you sleeping you are so cute when you sleep" Beomgyu said making Jieun cringe at his words

"Eww!" She said groaning as he laughed

"I took 7 screenshots of it I'm going to put it as my lock screen" he said laughing making her red

"Gyu we need to get ready for school" she said getting out of her bed with her phone

"Ughhh why can't you just skip it for me? I'm not coming anyways my parents want me to come over to their apartment" he said as she sighed

"I forgot you don't live with them" she said putting toothpaste on her toothbrush "I'll be lonely at school without you" she said and he laughed

"Not with all them damn friends I'm sure it'll be like any other 8 hours just without my back hugs" he said as she brushed her teeth

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