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"Jieun can I speak to you?" Her mom said knocking on her door

"Sure mom" Jieun said getting up and unlocking her door revealing her mom

Her mom smiled and looked around the room seeing some of her trophies and old pictures with her Jungwon and more family and friends

"What's your relationship with Jungwon?" She questioned making Jieun pause

Well. They're friend of course yeah, but do friends kiss? Do friends sleep in the same bed with each other  even when it's not a sleep over? Do friends have the same relationship as Jungwon and Jieun?

"Mom he's my friend you should know that" She awkwardly laughed

"Do you know Minji's neighbor is my co-worker?" She questioned "she said she saw you and Jungwon yesterday, and he kissed you. Is that true?" Her mom said and Jieun widened her eyes

"M-mom of course that's not true" Jieun said as her ears got red

"You're lying Ji, your ears are red as Rudolph's nose" Her mom said making Jieun sigh

"Yeah mom we did kiss! You happy? We're still friends though" Jieun confessed making her mom gasp

"Jieun why aren't you guys dating? What is there something blocking you?? Is he dating that one girl again?" She bombarded her daughter with questions

"Mom- no-"

"Then why?" Her mom said making Jieun sigh

"I don't know mom I really don't know." Jieun said flopping on her bed

"Then find out."

Won💗: meet me at 4 at the park by your house


"Won?" Jieun said looking around the park

"Over here Ji" he said as she smiled and went to where he was

Jungwon had set out a nice picnic with her favorite foods and his favorite foods mixed and drinks with a little lamp since it was sunset outside

"Won this is cute!" She said and smiled at him which made him smile

"Here sit down and enjoy" he said bringing her with him to sit down

They had a nice time talking and laughing about stuff while eating, just enjoying both their presences

"What made you do this anyways?" She asked making him stop eating

"I have dreams Jieun" he said making her almost bust out laughing

"Yeah everyone has dreams Jungwon" she snickered and rolled her eyes

"Yeah but mines are about you Ji" he said and her smiled dropped

"Yeah?" She said and he nodded

"Choi Jieun" he sighed "In my dreams you love me back, do you love me?" He questioned her

"Jungwon- i-"

"It's okay I knew this was a silly idea just forget everything I said" he said

"Jungwon I do love you" she spoke making him look at her with sparkles in his eyes

"Do you?"

"Yeah I do, I guess I was just waiting on you to say it first" she confessed

"You actually love me?" He said in disbelief

"Yes I love Yang Jungwon! I'm in love with Yang Jungwon! I want to have a future with Yang Jungwon!!" She said semi shouting and Jungwon kissed her

"Choi Jieun?" He said making her hum "Will you be my Girlfriend?" He smiled

"Yang Jungwon why didn't you ask me to be your wife? Of course I'll be your girlfriend" she said laughing as Jungwon laughed with her

"I can finally call you mine" he said and she nodded


"Jiwon ouch!" Jieun said whining as the hedgehog bit her and ran away to Jungwon

"Did she bite you?" He questioned and she nodded and he laughed making her look at him in disbelief

"That's not funny Won!" She said

"I spend the most time with her so she probably likes me more than you" he shrugged making her groan

"Shut the hell up" she said irritated

"Jieun are you telling your loving boyfriend to shut up" he gasped while holding her chest and she laughed

"Yes I am!" She said back gasping and they both laughed with each other

"How are we going to tell everyone?" He said making her sigh

"Let's keep it a secret for three months then tell them so they can be shocked" Jieun said and Jungwon nodded

"Yes!! Let's do that! That'll be funny" he replied

"Ugh I'm so tired" she said leaning back on his bed and he joined her as Jiwon went in her house

"Today is May 7th a now very special day for me" Jungwon said grinning at her and she smiled warmly at him

"Today is a day to mark in my calendar and I'll decorate it with hearts" she replied as he smiled

"It still feels the same but except we have labels and it feels more upgraded" he said and she nodded

"My mom was talking about me and you and our relationship status and a couple hours here we are Girlfriend and Boyfriend" she said and hummed

"I can finally say I love you at anytime and kiss you at any time" he said bringing her to his side

"Yeah anytime" she smiled and rolled over to lay on top of him

"Your hair smells good" he said caressing her hair

"It better smell good, I washed it with my moms shampoo cause mines ran out" she said and he hummed

"Jungwon" she said

"Yes love?"

"I love you" she said then heard Jungwon sniff and she got up and saw him crying

"I love you too" he cried making her giggle at him

"Wonnie why are you crying?" She said and sat on his lap while wiping his tears

"I thought you were going to reject me and stay friends but I was proven wrong" he said making her laugh

"Hell I thought I was going to have to confess to you myself of course I love you, mmh I'm in love actually" she said making him smile

"Let's stay together for the rest of our lives" he said and she nodded

"We'll be together in the grave" she said laughing and he laughed with her

"Jiwon your parents are married!" He said wiping his own tears

"Hahaha" she laughed

Wrote half of this in the hospital cause my older sister accidentally stabbed her self and had to get snitches 😭😭 anyways abt time they get together right? Also take a look at the new book I have

"𝐈𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬" | Yang JungwonWhere stories live. Discover now