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Another month has passed, it's now July, the sun still brightly sunny! Jungwon and Jieun together 24/7 everyday.....well some days when he isn't training and when she isn't training

"You're what?" She whispered

"I-I'm- well I think I'm debuting soon" Jungwon said standing on the side of his bed as she sat with her legs dangling off the side

"How do you even know?" Jieun said looking at him

"They told me I'm going to start recording in a week or so Sunoo said we're debuting soon" Jungwon spoke

"Oh" she sighed as tears ran down her face uncontrollably

"I'm sure he's lying Ji, I'm here don't cry" Jungwon said wiping her cheeks of as she smiled

"Sejeong was right, I'm not going to have you for long wonnie-" Jieun smiled and broke down in tears

"That's not true" he whispered

"But it is! It is Jungwon! We shouldn't have gotten together if we knew this day would come" she said making him pause

"You're saying we should break up?" Jungwon said and she nodded slowly

"Cause it's the only way to stop a heartbreak from worsening" she whispered looking at his now glossy eyes

"Jieun? Jieun you're crying wake up" Jungwon said shaking her

"What?" She said sitting up with tears falling down her face

"What's wrong love? You're crying did you have a nightmare" Jungwon concernedly spoke to her

"I'm sorry Jungwon" she said hugging him tightly as he was confused

"Why are you apologizing? Jieun what did you dream tell me, come on" Jungwon said wiping her cheeks

"Just had a dream you left me that's all" she smiled at him admiring his face

"I won't leave you, No matter how many dreams you have I'll always be here" he said smiling

"How'd I end up with a good friend like you" she laughed

"You mean boyfriend?" He questioned as he hit his shoulder

"Whatever" she smiled

"Would you mind explaining your dream though? Well if your comfortable" he said but she shook her head

"Don't wanna cry anymore the day is just starting" she said smiling at him

"You're right cause it's 4 in the morning" Jungwon said as she gasped

"Are you fucking serious?" She gasped as he nodded

"Let's go back to bed" he said as both of them laid down as he put his hands around her waist

"Mhm" she sighed at his warm touch

"Let's hope I'm in your dreams but except it's good" he said as she laughed and agreed


"Hate that song" Jieun mumbled as Jungwon turned down the music

"Why" he said looking at her and then looking back at the road

"It's Beomgyu's favorite song he always played it when I spent the night at his place" she said as he hummed

"I'll turn it off"

"I saw him the other day" Jieun said looking out the window

"How?" He questioned

"𝐈𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬" | Yang JungwonWhere stories live. Discover now