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"I've had to much fun I don't want to leave" Jieun said whining at the airport

"First, you didn't want to go now you don't wanna leave?? I know you're my child" Jieuns dad said as she laughed

"This trip was actually life changing quite literally" Sieun said elbowing Jieun

"Came on the plane in a relationship now coming back on single" Jieun said quietly to where only her Eunbin, Sieun, and Jungwon could hear

Their plane arrived and Jieun and Jungwon sat next to each other along with a old man

"Haha i get window seat" Jieun said smiling as Jungwon groaned and got into the middle

"Couple?" The old man questioned them

"No sir" they both said shaking their heads

"Well you're not related I know that for a fact! Me and my late wife were best friends forever then I finally got the courage to ask her out and we got married for at least 51 years but she recently passed last month I thought I would be great to visit her favorite place" he vented out to them as they nodded

"I'm so sorry for your loss sir, you guys seemed like a beautiful couple" Jieun said as Jungwon nodded

"Who knows maybe God put me next to you guys as a sign you'll be together" he said as they smiled at him "how long have you've been friends?" He questioned

"Since we were five years old so at least 14 years" Jungwon said as the old man nodded

"Young man let me tell you a secret come here" he said as Jungwon leaned towards him "don't let her slip away from you take your chances" the old man whispered as Jungwon nodded

"Ah yes sir" Jungwon said

"I'm going to be listening to a podcast for now on enjoy your flight guys" the old man laughed as he put on his headphones

"That was wholesome" Jieun said looking out the window as Jungwon hummed

"Some old people have very wise words" he said to her as she turned around to look at him

"You sound like a old man" she teased as he rolled his eyes

"Cause I give very wise words to your stupid self" he said making her frown

"Well this stupid self is going to ignore you for the rest of the plane ride" she said huffing while crossing her arms


"Wake up sleeping beauty" Jungwon said pushing her shoulder

"ahhhh I don't want to" She whined with her eyes closed

"Come on let's go" he said pulling her up as she groaned

"Oh my gosh when i go home im going straight back to sleep" she said while stretching

"I'm going to sleep over" Jungwon said and she hummed

"Jungwon get your bag what are you doing?" Eunbin said hitting his head as he winced

"Haha" Jieun laughed as he side eyed her

"Let's get moving young people" an middle aged man spoke behind them as they apologized and hurried up off the plane

"My legs are killing me already" Jieun said while walking out of the Airport

"Here you can ride on the suitcase" Her dad said stopping as she smiled

"Thanks dad" she said as he continued walking with her riding on the suitcase

"I wanna do that!" Jungwon whined to his dad

"𝐈𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬" | Yang JungwonWhere stories live. Discover now