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"Don't you remember this photo?" Jungwons mom asked Jieun while laying on a chair in the sand

"Of course I don't remember that I was real little" Jieun said laughing as his mom laughed too

"It was 2011 when we went to this same beach! Look you and Jungwon were building a sun castle" she said smiling showing Jieun the photo of them in her phone

"We were so little oh my gosh" Jieun said smiling as Jungwon ran behind her

"Oh my gosh was that us?" Jungwon said as his mom nodded smiling at her baby boy

"Yes it is" she said ruffling his hair as he leaned down looking at her phone

"Let's recreate this photo" Jieun said and both jungwon and his mom nodded


"JUNGWON PUT ME DOWN!" Jieun yelled as Jungwon picked her up while running towards the water

"You need to have a little fun in the water" he said laughing

They had just finished recreating three child hood photos as Eunbin and Sieun helped take the photos as their parents looked at their kids

"ITS COLD GOODNESS GRACIOUS JUNGWON" she yelled clinging onto him as they were in the water

"Relax your body has to get used to it" he said as she still hung on to him like a koala

"You've been in this water all day shit head" she said looking at him as he laughed causing her to smile warmly

"I love the water it's very calm" he said sighing as she was still attached to him

"Not when hurricanes or tsunamis happen" she said causing him to hit her as she groaned getting off of him

"Your hair isn't wet yet" he said smirking causing her to try to swim away but no avail

"STOP- WAIT" she said as he dumped her head under as she quickly got up screaming

"Such a baby screaming and whining over your hair getting wet" he said laughing turning his back towards him as she got an ideas and wet under the water

"Jieun- jieun? Wait where'd- JIEUN?? CHOI JIEUN OH MY FUCKING GOSH" he said panicking when he turned around

"Hiii!" She said coming up as he frowned at her as she laughed

"Dumbass I thought I lost you" he said holding his chest as she laughed

"Jungwon and Jieun come on let's go find a nice restaurant" Jungwons dad yelled as they went back to where everyone was


"That's right cause two months after i had Sieun you had Eunbin" Jieuns mom said as Jungwons mom nodded

"Yeah and when I had Jungwon two months later you had Jieun I've always thought that was funny" Jungwons mom said laughing

"Stop taking my food out my plate" Jieun said whining as Sieun took some of her food and chewed infront of her face

"Mmm yummy" Sieun said while covering her mouth making Jieun stomp her feet making their dad look at them

"Jiji what's wrong?" He said as Jieun pointed to Sieun and she put her hands up in defense

"She keeps taking food from my plate dad!" Jieun said slouching down

"She's not even eating like that anyway" Sieun said defending herself

"Don't take from her plate still! And Jieun eat up look everyone else is almost done and you're still at the beginning of eating come on" he said making both of the girls groan

"I'm not hungry anymore" Jieun said pushing her plate towards Sieun as she gladly accepted it

"You need to eat Jieun" Jungwon said while drinking his drink

"I did I just don't have a big appetite I wanna go back to the hotel and sleep for at least a hour" she said making her mom look at her

"Here since we have two cars why don't you kids just go back to the hotel and rest while we go explore a little more" Jieuns mom said handing Sieun the car keys

"Okay we'll see you later love you guys" Eunbin said waving at the adults as the other three copied her action


Wony🎀🍬 calling....

"Who the hell is calling me bro" Jieun said waking up looking at her phone realizing it's Wonyoung

"Hello?" Wonyoung said as Jieun answered the phone

"Hii" Jieun said

"You're by yourself right? I don't want to have anyone hearing" she questioned Jieun

"No Jungwons in the room with me but imma go to the cafe" she said making Wonyoung hum

"You're out of the room right now though right?" She asked

"Yeah" she said as Wonyoung sighed

"J-jieun?" She said

"Yes Wonyoung?" She responded back

"You didn't make it in the line up" Wonyoung said making Jieun pause in her steps

"I'm sorry what?" She laughed in disbelief

"I'm sorry Jieun....you didn't make it to the debut line up" she said as Jieun sighed

"T-thanks Wony did you make it though?" She said

"Yeah i did- I'm so sorry Jieun" she said as Jieun smiled

"No no its okay Wonyoung it was bound to happen im happy that you made it though" Jieun said walking out of the hotel

"Thank you Jieun I have to go though i love you Jieun" she said and Jieun responded with a 'bye' as Wonyoung hung up

"I'll have other opportunities I guess" she said to herself "maybe I'll actually go to SM" she said smiling to herself


"Where'd you go?" Jungwon questioned as she walked into their hotel room

"I walked to the beach to get cool air and I had a important call" she said as he nodded

"Eunbin and Sieun invited us to their room since they have pizza do you want to go?" He questioned and she shook her head

"Loss my appetite you can go though" she said and he gave her a questioning look

"Did Beomgyu do something? I swear if he did-"

"It wasn't Beomgyu I just got some personal news that wasn't my cup of tea" she said plopping down on her bed

"Oh okay" he said and she laid down on her side facing the other way

"Some things don't go to plan" she said as she felt the other side of her bed dip

"Do you want to talk about it?" He questioned putting his head on her arm

"No it's okay" she said smiling

"Let's just call it a night then" he said as she nodded


Omg i had mile yesterday and my lungs almost collapsed on me istg and also tell me why my mom got a baby pit bull out of nowhere and omg I am not a dog person 😭😭😭 anyways#ilovecats

-1105 words

"𝐈𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬" | Yang JungwonWhere stories live. Discover now