i've found you 💔💗

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"jisung?" one of the backstage workers called out to the younger who had just ended his stage performance, "boss is looking for you!" nodding, jisung quickly changed into his second outfit of the night before meeting his boss.

"yes boss? you called?" 

"ah there you are hannie-ah. you have a special vip private room order."

"s-special?" jisung stuttered as he struggled to take in his boss's words. 'special private room order' only means one thing, whoever the person was, they're joining the bid to buy his freedom.

no, han jisung wasn't working in a typical sex club. he was working in a brothel. he had no one to rely on, and with the heavy debt of his deadbeat deceased parents, he had to sell his body away for shelter and help with consistent debt repayments.

now, jisung was turning 21, he had joined the brothel a little after he had turned 18, and by now, his debt was about 90% paid off. he needed to find someone who isn't all that disgusting and old but rich enough to pay off the remaining ₩100 billion.

since he had been in this brothel for a long time now, and made a name for himself, almost everyone knew him. his petite feminine build made everyone want to baby him, like you know, make him their sugar baby. even if they're all old and musty, what can jisung do? it's not like he could choose who buys his freedom. sure he can reject whoever wins, but if the money's worth it, the money's worth it...right?

jisung was confused. while his boss was telling him the protocols and what a special vip private room order consist of, he had never heard a name from his boss's mouth. like he would usually do for regular potential sugar daddy meets, jisung had to ask how he should address him.

"all he gave was lee. so mister lee or sir should be fine." his boss shrugged and showed him the way to the private room. "alright, remember that the emergency button is on each side of the couch, under the tabletop, at the bar, and at the door okay?" he reminded as protocol.

jisung nodded as he took a deep breath before opening the fairly light door.

the lights were dimmed, and he could barely see the figure sitting in the middle of the couch with his head hung low. ironically, jisung could see how veiny the male's arms were even though they were rested on his knees.

"s-sir?" jisung gulped as he closed the door and walked further into the room, towards the mysterious male.


jisung's breath hitched as a nostalgic voice echoed through the room. his breath started getting heavier as he watched the male look up at him with coldness in his eyes. he was nervous. the history they shared was complicated.

"seriously? using the nickname that i gave you?" minho let out a breathy chuckle with a hint of betrayal.


"come here" minho commanded as he sat back and patted his thighs. "sit." jisung had no choice but to listen. well, this is work anyways... right?

"tell me hannie, why are you doing this?" he spoke softly as soon as jisung sat on his thighs. an arm wrapped around his favourite small waist while another caresses his favourite soft cheeks.

"i-i really needed the money..." jisung looked down onto their laps as he picked on his fingers. "uh uh uh what do i always tell you? don't pick on your pretty fingers right?" minho warned.

"how many times have people touched you hannie?" minho's eyes darkened and a smirk grew as soon as jisung's face showed a hint of worry.

"tell me, princess, how much have you earned from letting other men touch you while you left me with no contact right after i graduated? do you like them huh? do you like the way they touch you?" minho taunted as he whispered into jisung's ears. giving him a shudder down his back, as the younger started tearing up.

"you don't understand hyung..." a tear ran down his cheeks, "i had to get the money somehow or they'll take me okay? and i don't want to think or know about what they'll even do to me!" he cried, breaking down in front of his past college lover.

"why didn't you come to me baby? i have money and you know that! why didn't you talk to me princess?" minho tried to understand, of course, he was frustrated. jisung didn't even break it off with him back then, he just disappeared into thin air. with no social media and no means of contact, minho only managed to chance upon this club because one of his business partners introduced it to him. it had been three years and had never stopped looking for his lover for answers even while taking over his father's business.

"i didn't want to use you for money min..." jisung whispered, fiddling with his garter, "i didn't know how to tell you about it as well. you know i ran away from them when i entered college, i knew nothing about their debts, and their drug addiction. who knew the day he decided to overdose to run away from debt was the day after your graduation? i had to go back and the debt collectors were there! i got beaten up and threatened hyung! please! they had my old number and they broke my phone. i couldn't remember your number offhand but i stayed here hyung! i stayed in incheon so that when you come here and find me, you could!"

and god did minho feel so guilty. he had spent three years feeling like he was nothing to jisung. he didn't know what the younger had gone, and been going through.

"i'm sorry hannie...i'm sorry for not finding you earlier." a tear slipped from minho's eyes. "can i ask you two more questions?" he whispered while caressing jisung's cheeks softly, earning a nod from the younger as he leaned into the touch.

"do you still like me?"

"i've never stopped loving you min..."

"good. lastly, do you want to go home with me tonight?"

jisung perked up at the question, "can i?" he asked excitedly, but his excitement quickly died down when he remembered the price tagged to his name. it was a whopping ₩350 billion or more. well, he was popular, and many other men had started to bid for him.

picking up on jisung's behaviour, minho assured the younger that he can cover his cost. that he'll do anything to keep him safe. jisung was sceptical, but he knew that minho wouldn't let him go now that they have found each other again. "shall we meet your boss?" minho kissed jisung on his cheek, earning a giggle that the elder missed. "okay hyungie!" jisung tried to stand, only to be stopped, and carried like a koala by minho.

"let's go!" he said, opening the private room's door. "oh there you are!" minho yelled over the music at jisung's boss.

"that's fast! is everything okay? is jisung okay?" jisung's boss, mr noh, asked worriedly.

"everything's fine!" minho grinned, giving the blushing boy another kiss on his cheeks, "i'd like to buy him for ₩700 billion. that should be enough to cover his expenses, his medical, his debts, the other bidders, and more than enough extra for you and the brothel right?"

mr noh's face lighted up at the sum of money, but soon frown at the thought of soothing the other bidders, and how was minho going to pay. well, before he could ask, several of his bodyguards surrounded the three with briefcases in his hands. "shall we settle this in a private room?"

within an hour and a half, the reformed couple left the brothel hand in hand, grinning at each other. "thank you hyungie..." jisung smiled, "how can i ever repay you?"

"just be with me for a lifetime. don't leave me again is all i'll ask for." minho replied, kissing jisung on the lips for the first time in three years.

should i do a part two smut? 👀

also, this book may have more updates than my other non-one-shot books, because my one-shots are usually written in the spur of the moment.

there are some (like this chapter) written months ago and it took me a while to get the best plot out. but there are also some that were written, edited, and published on the same day. so :D

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