bottaramji 보따람지 💗

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did you know that in korea, minsung's ship name isn't minsung? it's bottaramji (보따람지)!

'botta' from the word 'bottarisang' which means bundle boy. This was minho's nickname because he was seen packing his bags from bundles of clothes when he moved to skz's dorms.

'ramji' from 'daramji' which means squirrel!

now let's start the story of the bundle boy and the squirrel.

[ alternate universe: hybrid ]

it was late in the evening and minho had only just finished his work. but, he wasn't excited to go home. no, he was worried. it had started thunderstorming a while ago and jisung had never done well with the loud booms that echos through the sky. and it didn't help that his squirrel had completely stopped replying to his texts.

"sungie baby?" he called out as soon as he opened the door. but he was met with silence... except for the sounds of rain hitting the windows. thoughts raced through minho's mind as he tried to figure out where jisung could be hiding.

minho recalled jisung, in his squirrel form, hid himself in the food cabinet where the nuts were because it was his comfort food, and snacking on it helped calm him down. so he beelined to the cabinet but he was not there. the packet of nuts wasn't even opened.

"where could he be?" he whispered as he tried to calm himself down.

then, he remembered that jisung liked small and dark hiding places away from the windows. so he searched every nook and cranny for his small baby. calling out for him every chance he gets. "hannie?" minho called out once more, a little bit more panicky this time. could he have run out? maybe felix came over and took him to his apartment? but if the cat hybrid were to do that, he would have told minho beforehand. but his gut was telling him that he was still in the apartment, so he continued searching.

"what are you doing?" minho laughed as he watched his boyfriend aggressively sniffing the hoodie that he took off. "what? i just love your scent okay!" jisung huffed as minho continued laughing.

"aww baby..." the elder pulled the squirrel onto his lap, "what does it smell like my love?"

"it smells like home..." jisung shyly admitted.

"clothes!" minho whispered as he remembered the heartwarming conversation they had months ago. he beelined to his wardrobe and carefully looked through both his hanged and folded clothes. but he wasn't there...

'could it be...?' he thought as he reached down for the few bundles of clothes that he kept aside at the bottom of his wardrobe. he carefully picked the middle one up (he just had a feeling), and brought it to his bed.

"of course, he wouldn't be able to hear me..." minho whispered as he found his little squirrel curled up and asleep between his clothes in his bundle. everything made sense to him now, his smell brought him comfort, and squishing himself in the bundle probably felt like the elder was holding him close.

"baby..." minho whispered, petting the squirrel's head softly, trying to not spook him. but of course, he still did. jisung squeaked frantically as he jumped up and away from the gigantic hand that was touching him. but once he realised it was minho, the squirrel squeaked in happiness and jumped onto his boyfriend's chest. well, latching himself on the cotton shirt with his claws.

"i'm sorry for not being home earlier princess..." minho whispered, kissing the squirrel's head.

*poof* jisung giggled as he became human again, rubbing his head on minho's neck. "it's okay, you're here now!" (this is funny to me HAHAHA)

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