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While Draco's life was again coming on track in the wizarding world the golden trio opened their eyes in the middle of the night and immediately rushed to the common room after seeing each other the trio immediately give a big hug each other.

Three of them have tears in their eyes and Hermione said while sniffing," We came back, I thank merlin for this chance so much."

Harry and Ron nodded and Harry said," I will never Voldemort win this time."

Hermione nodded and Ron said," We should go to the headmaster's office and tell Dumbledore about this."

Harry and Hermione nodded because they know with their knowledge of the future and with the help of Dumbledore they could defeat Voldemort.

Three of them run towards the teacher's dorm and filch saw them and said," What are you three-fifth years doing here after night curfew ?"

Harry quickly said," We are going to meet the headmaster, it is an emergency about you-know-who."

Filch nodded and said," Okay I am letting three of you go only this time but there will be no next time."

Three of them nodded gratefully and run towards the headmaster's dorm harry knocked impatiently and soon Dumbledore opened the door with a smile and asked, What are you doing here in the middle of the night Harry?"

Harry huffed for a few seconds and said," Headmaster we.....," He explained everything to Dumbledore, and after hearing everything Dumbledore sighed and said," I am very Sorry Harry that because of our wrong decisions lead to the fall of our side but now that we know about future we can come up with the best plan of action."

Everyone nodded then suddenly heard a knock on the door and Dumbledore opened the door to see Severus standing there with Pansy, Theo, and Blaise."

Dumbledore asked," What can I do for you Severus I am sure it's pretty late for students to roam freely in school?"

Severus scowled and said," I know that Golden trio is inside and has already spilled everything from their gut in front of you."

Dumbledore looked at him for a sec and let them inside, Ron shouted," What are these slimy snakes doing here."

Blaise said," Shut up, you moron. If it wasn't  for us you three won't be able to make it to that Alter alone."

Dumbledore said," Silence everyone, *then he turned to Severus* What should we do in this situation Severus?"

Severus scoffed and said after thinking for some time,"  We have to search for Draco Malfoy because before returning to the past Merlin said to us that "Not searching for that blonde ferret was your biggest mistake " and there is only one person who has blonde hair and is called Ferret."

Dumbledore sighed sadly and said," Finding Draco is a difficult task because Lucius has gauged out his eyes and obliviated him and then thrown him somewhere in muggle world."

The girls gasped hearing this and Theo and Blaise were silent with sadness in their eyes. Ron and Hary were neutral after all Draco was their arc nemesis but they still don't want this to happen to anyone in the world.

Severus looked down and thought about his godson and remember when he met him for the first time in Malfoy's manor. He immediately understood that he failed as a Godfather.

Severus sighed and said," It doesn't matter we have to find him if he can bring back the balance of fate we still have a chance to win."

Dumbledore nodded and said," I immediately inform Order about this, and I hope god will help us in finding him."

Thanks for reading.😊

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