A Forgotten Deal

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Dwalin gathered us all at the gate as per Thorin's orders.

Soon we were all moving pieces of stone and debris into position, fortifying the gates of the mountain. Thorin was making it more than clear he didn't intend to let anyone inside.

"I want this fortress made safe by sunup. This mountain was hard won. I will not see it taken again."

I sighed, it's already safe. The people of Lake-Town pose no threat to us. They've likely only come for shelter and to get the gold they were promised. Although I was almost positive they wouldn't see a penny of it now that the madness had taken over Thorin.

"The people of Lake-Town have nothing." Kili pointed out. "They came to us in need. They have lost everything."

He was doing his best to reason with his uncle, to get through to the Thorin we all hoped to see again but it was no use.

"Do not tell me what they have lost. I know well enough their hardship."

"Then shouldn't that make you want to help them even more?" I questioned.

"Those who have lived through dragon fire should rejoice. They have much to be grateful for."

I looked out at the city of Dale. There were fires lit all over the place as the people of Lake-Town took shelter for the night.

"More stone." Thorin demanded.

"Bring more stone to the gate!" Dwalin yelled.

Dwalin was loyal almost to a fault. I wasn't sure if he was truly seeing what the rest of us were witnessing or if he was just choosing to ignore it. Either way he was going to do anything and everything Thorin demanded.

I'll admit my tiny little 4 ft self wasn't much help but I worked together with Kili and we managed to do our part.

We worked all night long but, as ordered by Thorin, the gate was well fortified by morning.

I looked out at Dale, my body screaming with every move I made. I stared wide eyed at what I saw.

"Kili." I whisper-yelled.

I wanted to get his attention and his alone.

"What?" He asked stepping up next to me.

"You seeing what I'm seeing?"

He looked out to the city and sighed.


Elves flooded the streets of Dale, all decked out in golden armor.

"By the looks of it, it's Thranduil's army."

"Say nothing of this to Thorin, or anyone else. We do not yet know why they're here. Hopefully they'll leave soon."

I nodded. It was a good plan. Thorin didn't need to know anything yet.


Later that morning Bilbo pulled me aside.

"I'm leaving." He said.

"Woah, wait. What?"

"Something is coming. Something big and I want no part of it!"

"But Bilbo! How will you get home?"

"I know the way. I will stop in Rivendell and send word back to you so you know I'm alright. I'll send word again once I reach Bag End as well."

I sighed. He had made up his mind. He never wanted to be here in the first place. He came because we needed him to help with Smaug and to get the Arkenstone. He's done what we asked of him, he has no reason to stay.

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