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Today I have been living in Milan with my aunt for two years. Two years since I entered the best art school in Europe and my life is about to change.

I see my name at the top of the ranking. I am the first student of the last year. The one with the best chance of success. "Sofia Abracci" this name will perhaps one day be in the headlines...

The director called me into his office, probably to congratulate me on my work.

Director - Sit down Sofia, an agency called me, a group of singers is currently in Paris and their choreographer is seriously ill. Since we are in contact, they asked me to help them. You are the only one who speaks French fluently and you are our first element. Would you agree to go to Paris for a month?

I didn't hesitate for a second, I'm only 17, but since I don't live with my parents anymore, these choices come back to me. I'm so excited to put those years of hard work into practice! Damn... I forgot to ask... what band is it?

I reread my contract: Stray Kids. I've never heard of them so I do some research. South Koreans... it's far away, the culture is very different I hope I don't make too many blunders.

I downloaded some pictures of the group. During the whole flight to Paris, I practiced to recognize their faces. I hope that everything will go well.

I look at the clouds from my window, I am afraid of not being up to it, afraid of not getting along with them or having difficulties to be understood.

At the exit of the airport, there is a sign with my name on it. I follow this person who is obviously my driver.

It is hot. It's already July, the school year has gone by very quickly. I am very nervous and impatient at the same time. During the journey, I look out of the window, I didn't eat this morning, I'm starving.

I finally arrive at my destination, the building is huge and there are security men in front of the entrance. It's not a joke... They open the door and a man approaches me.

Unknown - Sofia?

- Yes sir, you are?

Unknown - I am Louis, the manager of Stray Kids in France. Welcome to you, I'll show you the premises

I follow him closely so as not to lose him. There are so many doors in this huge alley, I feel like I'm in Alice in Wonderland.

He reaches for a double glass door.

Louis - This is it

I enter and see the most beautiful dance hall I have ever seen in my short life as a dancer. The floor is glittering, the walls are bright white. To the left, there is a sort of mini living room with a couch and a coffee table in front of a new door. Past this large room is a long hallway with three doors.

- Wow, this is beautiful!

Louis smiles at me as a thank you.

Louis - Wait here, I'll go get the boys

He leaves as early. I look around, I'm so excited to dance here, besides, I'm hoping to make some new friends, I hear we're in the same age range as me.

Updated daily at 13:00 (NY) 19:00 (EUR)

I wrote this when I was 14 years old, please be kind 💕

─𝑯𝑰𝑫𝑫𝑬𝑵─ Lee Felix [Straykids]Where stories live. Discover now