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Everyone looks at each other, my heart feels like it is being stabbed. Silence returns for a few moments.

Minho - And you answered...?

He finally lifts his head and looks me in the eyes. It's out of the question. I couldn't live with him 24 hours a day without being together, nor with his career and the careers of others on my conscience.

I get up and head for the door, Felix gets up.

- Don't follow me, I'll be right next door, there's no risk, I need to be alone for a while

I barely close the door behind me when tears start to flow. But what did I think? That we were going to make an exception because it's me? That we were going to live quietly together until we died? I am so stupid. Why did I agree to come here?

I get out of the building and start walking. I said I would be next door but I made my decision. I walk down the sidewalk trying to find a cab. I try to make myself understood and arrive at Felix's house 30 minutes later, I open the door and go up to my room. I take out my suitcase and put all my things back inside without folding them or being careful not to break them.

I try to calm myself down so that I don't have a drop in blood pressure. I open the door of Felix's room and look at the elephant. I hesitate for a few minutes and decide to take it in my bag.

I have trouble walking because of my aching heart and my recurring headache. My phone rings, I put it on silent. I'll text her once I'm gone to apologize. I know I'm going to hurt their feelings but it's the best solution. I walk out of the house leaving the keys inside before I change my mind.

I walk for a few moments before I find a cab that takes me to the airport. I look out the window and try to wipe away my tears. I look for the last time at this city that I thought was mine for a short time. It's been 3 hours since I left, they must be chewing me out. I want to tell them I'm fine but that would be adding fuel to the fire.

I arrive at the airport and look for someone who can help me. I ask a woman for information and she tells me that there is no flight to Milan before 11pm. I will have to spend the evening here. I settle down with my suitcase on a seat. I can't calm down.

I love it. I take my stuffed animal out of my bag and contemplate it. It brings back good memories with them. My smile mixes with my tears. I notice I forgot to take off my bandages this morning. Tempi, I wouldn't know how to do that here.

The more the hours go by, the faster my heart sinks, the sun starts to set. I start to see blurry and shaking, I take my water bottle out of my bag and try to hold on. I hold my stuffed animal tightly to me. The night begins to fall.

A dark night with no stars.

─𝑯𝑰𝑫𝑫𝑬𝑵─ Lee Felix [Straykids]Where stories live. Discover now