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I send a message to Minho, usually he is the one who falls asleep the least. Fortunately I took my phone by reflex.

I put the blanket on him so that he doesn't get cold.

- Are you awake?

Minho - Yes, is something going on?

- Felix fell asleep on the roof and I'm afraid he'll fall

Minho - We are coming

- Don't wake up the others

Minho - Don't worry

I approach Felix and hold his arm even though I know I won't have the strength to catch him. He seems to be in his own little quiet world.

Minho and Bang Chan arrive.

- I am sorry

Bang Chan - No, you were right to call us and anyway we were still awake

I do my best to help them to take him down.

They wish me a good night before going back to their room. I do the same and try to get some sleep.


I wake up gently. I sit up to look at the time on my phone. It is 6:30 am. I received a message from an unknown number. I sit up to open it.

Unknown - I want all the money you've earned since you arrived. It would be a shame if this picture was shared. It would also be a shame if everyone knew where you were, but especially if I said your name, right Olivia?

I'm totally shocked by this weird message out of nowhere.

- What are you talking about?

A picture loads. It appears. Shit, I knew that guy yesterday was shady. Felix and I last night, when he hugged me because I was sad.

- If I give you the money you will delete?

Unknown - Yes, I don't care about your stories, I care about the money. Meet me in front of the pharmacy at 2am tomorrow. If you're not there and alone, I won't mind sharing everything

They warned me that it could go far, but I didn't imagine this. I jump out of bed and go into the kitchen. I find the camera he hid and break it into a thousand pieces. I'm not going to tell the others or they won't let me. I don't have a choice, I don't want Felix to get into trouble because of me.

I didn't think I would be threatened like this, it should be okay, he just wants money and then... I don't need it. I get dressed to go to lunch.

- I have to go to the bank before I leave

Hyunjin - What for?

- I need to withdraw money

Hyunjin - I'm coming with you

- Okay, it'll be quick

After eating, I leave quickly with Hyunjin so as not to make the others late. I take out the money and put it in an envelope I got from the reception.

Hyunjin - Didn't you take out too much money?

- I need it.

Hyunjin - Are you hiding something?

- Maybe I am

He looks worried about me but I won't tell him anything.

We go to the room to continue to work. This time I dance with them for the small details, if nothing bothers them in the lights,...

I am exhausted but especially stressed for this night. And if everything did not go as planned?

─𝑯𝑰𝑫𝑫𝑬𝑵─ Lee Felix [Straykids]Where stories live. Discover now