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Director - I told Felix to choose between you and the group. What do you think?

- I think Felix is a human being above all, he needs to love and be loved in return. Asking him to choose would be tearing his heart in two

Director - What do you think would happen if Felix left the group for you?

- First of all it would be destroyed from the inside, the fans would be angry and find it unfair. It would be the end of the band, it would give a very bad image to the agency and they would certainly continue their career somewhere else

Director - I heard that you tried to go back to your country last night, why?

- I didn't want Felix and the other members to suffer because of me

Director - I may have a solution

He picks up his phone, speaks in Korean and hangs up.

Director - You're going to do an interview and tell them what happened that night. Hopefully, they will support you. You can go, ask Minho to take you to the make-up artists, we'll pick you up there

I thank him and close the door behind me.

Minho - Well?

- You have to take me to the make-up artists, I have to do an interview

On the way, I repeat to him word for word all that we said.

The make-up artists have been instructed to exaggerate my injuries, I really don't like it but I feel obliged. They go as far as reddening my wrists and my already reddish face marks.

A person comes to get me and brings me to a room where there are cameras and lights. I really don't feel comfortable but I sit down anyway. Minho is waiting for me outside.

A woman explains me what I have to do, reassures me and starts the departure. I start to tell what happened without talking about the moment when Felix came. I show my wounds although they have been exaggerated. My voice is shaky from the stress and my eyes get wet as I tell the story.

The woman asks me some questions:

Woman - Were you scared?

- Of course, I really thought she was going to mutilate me to death

Woman - Was she arrested?

- Yes, but I'm still scared, I don't understand how these fans can get to that point. I wonder if they are all like that

Woman: Do you think it happened because you are a foreigner?

- I think it contributed

She finishes the interview, greets me and allows me to leave. I just have to wait and hope that it works.

Minho - I have to tell you, while I was waiting for you I overheard a conversation of the director with his assistant. He said that he didn't intend to make Felix choose, but to see your reactions to know if it was serious

- Really?

I'm half relieved and half angry. I have to tell Felix.

The woman leaves the room.

Woman - It's published

I look at Minho who is as surprised as I am, I thought I would have to wait a few days before. A ball in my stomach forms. Will this work? What if it makes things worse?

─𝑯𝑰𝑫𝑫𝑬𝑵─ Lee Felix [Straykids]Where stories live. Discover now