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I wake up in a bed, I don't know where I am, I jump up and look around. Ha... it's true, I'm at Minho's house. I don't remember going to bed. I look at my phone, it's already 12 o'clock. I am totally rested. Felix is coming in an hour and a half. I get up to pack my suitcase but before that I go to the bathroom.

I have a sudden urge to do my hair and make-up. Nothing to do with the fact that I'm going to Felix's. I think...

Once my suitcase is packed, I go downstairs to have a drink.

Minho - I've made you some fruit for lunch

I thank him and eat with him.

Minho - Go to the room, when you hear Felix coming, leave me ten minutes before coming down

- It works, I'm stressed

Minho - Don't stress, he will be very happy. I won't tell him that you know he loves you, so don't worry

I thank him one last time and go to my room.

I turn around and my heart is beating so fast that it looks like he is going to run away. I catch my breath but hear the doorbell ring.

Okay ten minutes, this will be quick. I get a message from Felix.

Felix - I'm here

- I can't find something, I find it and I come

I hear them talking but I don't understand a single word. Minho tries to reassure him, but it's me who should be reassured.

They seem to have finished speaking, it is the good moment.

I arrive at the end of the stairs with my suitcase.

Minho - Wait, I'll help you

He hardly finishes his sentence when Felix goes up the stairs. I look at Minho who laughs softly.

Arrived at the bottom I thank him, greet Minho and get into the car. He makes me a sign to reassure me. I don't have to stress. I will try to be natural.

We set out on the road.

Felix - Did it go well with Minho?

- Yes, we had a good time

Felix - What did you do?

- We cooked and watched TV, I slept a lot

We discuss a little of everything and of nothing during the way before arriving at his house. His house is also very pretty.

He takes my suitcase and puts it in a room.

Felix - Here is your room

We remain a little silent, we both have the same idea in mind. I had never slept so well as in his company.

Felix - What do you want to eat tonight?

- I don't know, I would like to try a Korean dish

Felix - We'll go out then

It's already 5 o'clock, I put away everything in my suitcase and I put it under my bed. I'm going to send a message to Minho to give him some news and then I'm going to change to leave.

I go down the stairs, he was waiting for me. I take him by the arm.

- Let's go

I try to be natural but it's difficult. I'm going to walk for the first time in Seoul and especially to eat face to face with him but this time, without anyone around.

─𝑯𝑰𝑫𝑫𝑬𝑵─ Lee Felix [Straykids]Where stories live. Discover now