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Felix - Two years ago, there was a woman who took care of our outfits during the performances.
I got along well with her, she was much older than me. Everything was going well until a woman took a picture of us while we were talking. Then another one, then another one... They started harassing her on social networks, she was getting threats. We followed her in the street, we left things in front of her house that I don't want to list.
From one day to the next, I didn't see her anymore. She had given up her dream that she had only been practicing for 5 years. She moved to who knows where to get away from it all. I was very attached to her, she must have suffered a lot because of me.
So when I heard that a 17 year old girl was coming, I promised myself that I would do everything I could not to get attached. The problem is that when I saw you for the first time, I knew it was going to be impossible.
I wanted to be distant, I was jealous of others so close to you, I panicked every time I didn't see you anymore. I didn't want you to come with us for fear that something would happen to you, but it did. I don't know why, I have a crazy urge to protect you from it all, I make myself sick seeing how you look at others and yet it's all my fault.
I'm afraid I'll get attached and you'll disappear like she did because of me.
Yesterday I thought that someone had seen you in the street with Minho and had come to hurt you, I was in a state, it's true. Just now, when I saw that man hurting you and touching you, it made me so mad....

- Is that why you told me I was giving you a hard time?

Felix - Yes, every minute I was worried. I feel like the whole world is out to get you

- Your story is really horrible. But with me it's different

Felix - It's different because if it happened to you it would be worse because you're our age, you're a girl and a foreigner...
I realize that it's totally stupid because I'm hurting myself, I'm hurting you which is hurting me and in the end you have as much risk whether we are close or not because you are still with the others

- Exactly

Felix - Tell me, if we started all over again but you promised me that you would never go away again, that you would stay close to me and the others at all times. Could you forgive me?

- You hurt me a lot, but I understand your story and everything you told me touched me a lot. So I promise you, I will do whatever you tell me to do and I will stay with you. Thank you for everything you've done for me and for being honest

We turn our heads to look at each other and, without knowing why, we put on a big smile. The first one he's given me that I thought I'd never see.

- What do we do now?

Felix - What if .... we stay here for a while?

I didn't think there was all that hidden inside him, that he was so worried about me, that in reality he was just afraid we'd both suffer.

I've never seen so many stars in the sky. I feel good next to him, I could stay here all night. Whether it's talking or just looking at the stars...

But together.

─𝑯𝑰𝑫𝑫𝑬𝑵─ Lee Felix [Straykids]Where stories live. Discover now