Trying to find the letter

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After a few minutes of running, Violet and I started to get out of breath as we wasn't the fittest of people.

Violet and I started walking instead of running, because we both had a stitch. After a few minutes of walking Violet and I was back at my house.

I unlocked the door and took off my shoes. I went into the kitchen to get us both a glass of water, as I was really thirsty from all the walking and running back.

Once Violet and I finally got to the door of my room, I pushed it open with a lot of force and started to run into my bedroom.

Before I could run into my bedroom Violet got hold of my arm and said I needed to calm down and take a deep breath. As I was ramming about like a bull in a china shop.

I went to sit down on my bed so I could calm down and take a breather. After a few minutes I opened my eyes to see Violet was looking at me. She looked really worried and scared that I was going to have a panic attack.

She gave me a hug to say she was sorry for my loss. We both looked at each other and I realised that both of us was crying, because we were so happy to have each other

" I'm really glad I have you as my best friend, I really don't know what I would do if you wasn't in my life. You've helped me so much over the last few days, I really don't know how to say thank you". It was really hard to get my words out, as I was crying so much.

"I'm really glad I have you to!You mean so much to me it's undescribable. You've helped me so much over the last few years, I don't think I would still be here if it wasn't for you helping me get over my bad mistakes. There's no need for you to say thank you, I should be the one saying it".

We both pulled away from our hug and started to laugh at each other, as we were crying because we were so happy to have each other as a best friend.

I got my glass of water and had a sip of it, before getting up. Violet and I started to have a look for the letter Conner had left me. I started to wonder where he would have put it. I got the letter out of my pocket and started to read it through, to make sure I didn't miss out any clues on where the letter was.

I read it through but there wasn't any clues on it, so Violet and I started to look for the letter. We looked every where that I could, under my mattress, desk, a picture of us both and my memory box but we still couldn't find anything. Violet and I completely tipped my hole bedroom upside down trying to find the letter, but there still wasn't any luck.

Violet and I sat down on my bed, I was feeling really down and depressed knowing that I couldn't find it. Where did he put it? Why couldn't he have put it somewhere easy for me to find? I couldn't stop thinking about it, I felt like I was going crazy because I couldn't find It. I got up off the bed and started looking again.

Violet grabbed hold of my shoulders and looked me in the eyes. "Alice please calm down! It's no good you getting stressed and upset about it, we will find it I promise! Even if it means we are all day trying to find it. We will find it soon. I promise".

After another hour or so Violet and I both decided that we should give up and have a break as it was really tiering and draining.

We both went downstairs to get some food. We both hadn't had anything all day,apart for the toast in the morning. I wasn't really very hungry but I went to get some food anyway, as I didn't want Violet to think I wasn't eating.

Violet and i both went into the kitchen. I made us both a jam sandwich, then sat down at the breakfast bar to eat it. I only had a few bits of my sandwich, as I was too worried to eat.

Violet must of seen that I wasn't eating the sandwich and that I looked really worried. She told me that there wasn't any point in getting upset or worried because we would find it eventually even if it wasn't today.

I started to feel a little better once she had said that, she was kinda right about not getting upset or worrying. It's the last thing Conner would have wanted was for me getting stressed over a letter, but it was impossible not to.

After we had dinner Violet said that she need to go back home soon. She said that I could go back with her and have tea at her house, then maybe do something to take our minds off things.

We both went back upstairs to my bedroom, so Violet and I could pack up all her stuff to take back to her house.

Once we had done packing up I went into the living room and asked mum and dad If it was okay for me to go out to Violets house for tea. They both said that it was fine and that I could go to her house. Violet and I got our shoes on and set off for Violets house.

What did you think? Was it okay? I think I will be updating once a week from now on. I am really struggling to find the time to write with my gigs, schoolwork, rehearsals and just overall just finding the time. I haven't been very well recently, so I'm finding it really hard to write and just get my head down to writing. Please comment, vote and follow me for when I next update. I think I will be updating Saturday, but if I forget as I am doing a gig it will be Sunday. Hope you enjoyed it. See you soon bye xxx

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