Finns talk

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Violet and I decided to take a slow walk to her house. After everything that had happened, I really couldn't be doing with running about.

A few minutes later we were at Violets house. Violet knocked at the door, after a minute or so Finn asked the door with a towel round his waist. he was looking really Embarrassed because I was at the door, looking at him with just a towel on. "sorry I was so long answering the door. Everyone has gone out into town and Alfie's at Emma's (Alfie's girlfriend) house for the day. I was going to be home alone all day, but I guess not anymore". Finn and I was both smiling from his last comment. then he said. "by the way I didn't hear you knocking, because I was in the shower. but I bet you already guessed that I was".

I felt myself blushing with, him looking all embarrassed. I suddenly realised that I hadn't redone my hair or makeup. I must have looked such a mess, from all the crying and pulling my hair out I had been doing. Trying to find the letter.

Finn stepped aside to let Violet and I inside the house. " I will just go back upstairs and get changed, then I will be right down, if that's okay?" Looking really awkward at me, as if he was really embarrassed with me seeing him with just a towel around his waist. Violet and I just nodded, then Finn went running up the stairs.

" I think I'm going to go upstairs to my bedroom and unpack. Would you like to join me?". Violet said with a smile on her face, trying to make me feel better. " I think I'm going to sit down in the living room, while your upstairs. If that's okay with you? I feel like I need a sit down and have some time to think about everything". Violet just nodded at me to say it was fine, then she ran up stairs to her bedroom to unpack.

I went into the living room and sat down on one of the settees. All I could think about was the stupid letter! Why could Conner have put it somewhere easier for me to find? He knew I'm really bad at trying to finding things. I'm bad at trying to find something I should know where they are, let alone finding something I don't have a clue where it could be.

After a few minutes of thinking, Finn came walking in the living room. He was wearing a white T-shirt, some dark coloured jeans and a leather jacket, that he always wears. he nudged my leg and asked if he could sit down. I moved my legs so I was sitting up properly, to let Finn sit down next to me. "thank you" he said with a smile and sat down next to me.

"Violet said you had found something out to do with Conner today, is she telling me the truth? She's always fibbing to me and I never know when she's fibbing or not". Finn asked with a confused and worried face.

"Yeah she's telling you the truth. We found a letter on the bottom of he's skateboard, he left his skateboard at his skateboarding teachers hut. Dave said that he thought he left it behind by mistake, but he didn't. Conner said to me the day before he killed himself "For once in your life why don't you come to the skatepark, to have some fun and live everyday as its your last". So when I remembered he said that, Violet and I had to go to the skatepark to see if it was a clue, and it was".

Finn still looked really confused, so I gave him the letter so he could read it and understand what I meant. After Finn had looked at the letter, he turned to me looking really flabbergasted and said. " I can't believe he has made a game out of all this. It's kinda cool he's done all this for you. It's kinda like he's still here. like he hasn't gone, like it's one of his games that he plays. But have you found the other letter?". " No I haven't. Violet and I have looked everywhere in my bedroom, like literally everywhere! Violet and I was looking for over two hours this afternoon, and we still can't find it. I just can't think where he could have put it."

I felt really miserable and I started to cry, Finn looked at me like he was upset to. He gave me a hug and started to stroke my hair. He smelt really nice (not in a creepy way though). We both pulled away, then Finn lifted my chin up and looked into my eyes and said "I know how dreadful it must be for you right now, but you need to keep your chin up. Conner wouldn't want you to be depressed or miserable, he would want you to be happy. I know he's gone, but I know he wouldn't want you to be depressed because if it. I know it's really hard but please cheer up. As a smile looks a lot better on you, than a sad face".

I started to smile with what he had just said. "that was the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me, thank you for your inspirational speech". we both started to laugh at what I just said. Finn took hold of my chin and we both started to gaze into each others eyes again, but this time it wasn't just our eyes.

He kept looking into my eyes then looking down to my lips. I started to bite down on to my lip with him gazing at me with so much love in he's eyes. He started to leaning into me, still looking back and forth from each other eyes and lips. I started to feel nervous and excited and the same time, like I had butterflies in my tummy. It was really weird me feeling like this towards Finn, I had never really felt like this towards him before. Like I really liked him, but it felt so right. We started to leaned closer and closer before, we both closed our eyes.

What do you think?? It's a bit of a a change I know. What do you think of Finn and Alice?? Do you think they would make a good couple? Please tell me what you think
In the comments or pm, as I would love to hear from you guys. I can't believe the first chapter of the story has had over 200 readers, like how has that happened? I only started this story to express my feelings, but now people are wanting the next chapter! But I'm really sorry I didn't update Saturday!! I got back from my gig at 2 in the morning feeling really ill, and Sunday I was really ill too. I hope you understand and forgive me for not updating. I think I'm going to be updating once a week from now on but please tell me in the comments what day you would like. I have been really busy with gigs and learning new songs. but it's all paying off as I'm
Preforming at Disney land Paris hopefully next year!! Meeting all the characters and doing workshops with them. I proper freaked out when I got told, I actually cried please don't judge me though. Please vote comment and follow me for when I next update, I love you all so so much!! Bye xxx

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