The skatepark

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As we walked to the skatepark Violet and I started to talk about what we were going to do, once we got there. we decided that we were going to his teacher, as he might know something we didn't.

It took about 20 minutes to get to the skatepark, I was hoping Dave (Conners teacher) was still there as I know he normally finishes round about this time. I walked over to the big shed, knowing if Dave was still there he would be in the shed, because he would be packing up from his lesson.

I was really nervous for some reason, but I took a deep slow breath then knocked on the door. To start with I didn't think he was still here, but I knocked again just incase he was and didn't hear me.

I heard Dave saying something from inside the shed. I couldn't hear him in the slightest, so I asked what he had said, he then said " I will be there in two minutes just bare with me". For some reason it took him a minute to open the door. He was messing about with the shed keys trying to find the right one to open the door.

Finally Dave opened the door. He looked really confused at why I was knocking at his door. I think it was because I didn't know him very well, as I had only seen him a few times at skateboarding events.

He said hi with a confused face, then asked why I was there. I said I was Conners sister and that I had some bad news about him. I knew Dave didn't know anything about Conner because he looked really confused, with what I had just said.

He let me in his skateboarding shed and asked if I wanted to sit down. Once I got in the shed I knew straight away why it was called the skateboarding shed, as it was pack full of them.

He then showed me to a little settee where I could sit down. I sat down then started to tell him what had happened to Conner.

I told Dave what had happened to Conner. He looked so shocked and speechless with what I had just told him. He was just looking into space.

"Dave are you okay? I know it's a lot to take in all at once, but it's really happened". After a while he came back into the room, he started to shake his head a little as if he was trying to shake off his trance.

He looked at me with tears in his eyes and said he was really sorry for my loss. I knew Conner meant a lot to Dave, because he was his star student and showed a lot of love for him.

I asked him if he had any idea why he had done it, or if he had left him anything for me? His eyes opened really wide, like he had just won the lottery. He slowly got up from his chair and started to walk away. He picked up a skateboard from behind his desk and walked back to his seat.

He put the skateboard on his knee, then started to stroke it like it was made of gold. To start with I thought he was going crazy, then I realised that it was Conners board.

I couldn't believe he had Conners board here, as I thought he had lost it because I couldn't find it in his bedroom.

He looked at me then said Conner had left it Saturday after his lesson and that he thought it was weird as Conner never leaves it behind. He normally uses it to practice in the week.

He gave the skateboard to me to have a look at. I put it on my knee then turned it over, I saw that there was a piece of paper stuck on the bottom of it.

I pulled the paper off the bottom of the skateboard and opened it up then saw it was a letter from Conner, It said.

Hi Alice if you reading this well done for remembering what I had said to you, if this isn't Alice please stop reading and give it to her. I just want to tell you this isn't a sorry letter or a confession letter on why I killed myself, it's a clue one. I didn't want to leave this in the house as I can only guess the police would find it and ruin my game with you. I have hidden a letter for you in your bedroom for you to find. I wanted you to be the only one to know about it and didn't want the police to get there grubby hands on it. This is the only clue I will give you. Before I wasn't gone I guess you didn't think anything of it, but now that I am I'm guessing it's your everything. Good luck and have fun finding it. Take care, Conner. Xx p.s tell Dave I'm sorry I didn't leave him a letter, but I didn't as I knew he wouldn't be able to read it.

I couldn't believe what I had just seen. I was just so worried and excited at the same time, to find the letter he had hidden for me.

Violet and Dave were both looking worried at me. They were wondering what was on the letter. I gave the letter to violet so she could read out for Dave to hear, as I was in to much shock.

Violet read the letter out to Dave and I. None of us could believe what the letter said, or that he had hidden a letter for me somewhere in my bedroom.

Violet and I decided that we were going to go back to my house, to try and find the letter.

Violet and I both said thank you to Dave for finding the skateboard, then said bye to him.

Once Violet and I both got outside, we started running home. I couldn't wait any longer to try and find the letter Conner had left for me.

Hope you liked this chapter! I'm really sorry I didn't update last night, I had a gig and didn't get back till 1:00 in the morning. so I just fell asleep straight away once I got back. please comment telling me what you thought of this chapter, as I love your feedback. comment, vote and follow me for the next update. love you all and see you Wednesday bye xxx

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