The movie night

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Finn and I rushed out of the living room and to the front door, so we could stop Violet from seeing the den straight away. We both got to the front door where Violet had her back towards us, facing the door locking it. Before she turned around and realised we was behind her, me and Finn decided to scare her. So when she turned around me and Finn jumped on her scaring the life out of her. "What the hell are you two doing? You know I hate being scared!" Me and Finn just looked at each other and busted out laughing at violets reaction and the expression on her face. "What's so funny? You scared the life out of me!" By the time she said that Finn and I was on the floor crying with laughter at how scared she was. "Come on you two get up and give me a hand with these bags" once we had finally stop laughing Finn got up and put his hand and pull me up. Once I had got up off the floor i looked at him and smiled to say thank you, then he looked down at our hands that's when I realised we was still holding hands. I quickly let go of his hand so violet didn't see Finn and I holding hands, else she would have freaked out. Violet passed me and Finn the bags to put in the kitchen while she took her shoes off, then we went into the kitchen and put the bags on the counter. "You know I really did want to kiss you before my stupid sister came in don't you? I think you're amazing!" Finn said with a smile on his face biting his bottom lip as he was nervous telling me. I was stunned I couldn't believe that he thought I was amazing, It was really weird hearing it from my best friends brother. "Hmm no I didn't, I can't believe you think I am amazing" I said looking at my feet feeling slightly embarrassed that he thought that of me with butterflies in my tummy. "Why don't you believe me? You are the most beautiful, sweet, funny, cute and amazing person I have ever met! To be honest I don't think you can be any more perfect because you are perfect" he said lifting my head up so I was looking into his eyes. I bit my bottom lip from how beautiful his eyes and words was. We started getting closer and closer to each other looking at each other's eyes and lips till we was centimetres away from each other. "You know I've wanted this forever" Finn said before we started to kiss passionately, with my hands on his waste and his hands in my hair. It was so nice to forget everything for just a few moments to feel like none of this had happened. "What the hell is this?" Finn and I pulled away to see that Violet had walked in on us kissing. She looked so shocked, what was I going to say?
Hi!! Im so sorry I haven't updated in forever I've just been so busy with o2 rehearsals (as I am preforming at the o2 on the 13th of December!!), my boyfriend, friends, piano, schoolwork and my depression/anxiety. I know none of them are valid points but a lot has happened in the last 8 months, or however long it has been since I last updated. Had four boyfriends, a family member passed away, got brown hair again, got on medication for depression/anxiety, started piano and rehearsals for everything. If you liked this chapter let me know in the comments as I really like hearing from you guys, it makes me want to start writing more when I see people are enjoying it. Going to go now as I need to be up early in the morning and I'm procrastinating writing instead of sleep (but then who needs sleep?) I love you all and thank you for the support!! If any of you have mental health issues please message me as I'm finding it hard. Will update soon (ish) bye Xx

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