The call

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It was a lady that must have been in her 40s that answered the phone. She was really nice and was the kind of lady that you would like as your mum or auntie.

She could tell that I was in a mess, cause she told me to take my time and everything would be okay.

I told her about what Conner had done to himself and she said she would get someone to come and sort everything out. But she said that she would stay on the phone to me until they came.

Then ambulance and the police came to the front door, I said that they was here to the lady (who was called Nancy).
She gave me her personal phone number so I could ring her for help or advice when I needed it.

I couldn't believe how kind she was to me, it was unbelievable that she wanted to help me through all of this.

She said for me to stay strong and ring the number she had given me, when ever I Need someone to talk to. She said bye them hung up the phone.

I got out of my chair feeling a bit better from the conversation with Nancy.

I went and opened the door.
There was about 6 people waiting for me to answer the door, the men and women looked at me as If I had an terminal illness and hi to me as If I was going to die.

I let them in the house then told them Where conners room was. As they opened the door mum and dad was still on the floor crying, but a lot quieter this time.

Mum and dad got up from the floor and said hi, Mum looked terrible but so did dad.

Dad looked like he was really ill, so mum told them what had happened and sorted everything out (mum was the one that took charge out of the family, so it wasn't really a surprise that she composed her self to talk to the police).

I went over to dad who was just in his own world, with no expression on his face. It was really weird, as dad was crying his eyes out a few minutes ago. Asked if he was okay and he said that he couldn't believe that he had done it to himself, I don't think any of us did.

Then the paramedics asked for us to go out the room, as they took Conner away, which was really pain full.

Me, mum and dad was crying again, but not as loud this time, as all of us was really tried and drained from crying before.

They took Conner away on a stretcher with a white cloth draped over him.

Then the police asked for us all not to go into conners room as they needed to investigate why he had hung himself and how he did it.

Finally everyone said bye and left, but they said that they will have to come back another day for more information on what had happened.

Then as they shut the door it, suddenly got really quite and peaceful. It was really nice as all day there was different people coming in and out, asking questions, looking at conners bedroom and looking in other places in the house to make Sure there wasn't any evidence.

Me, mum and dad went in to the living room to rest, as it had been a long day from all the crying and people asking questions that we didn't know.

We sat down on the settee, not knowing what to do. Suddenly I realised that I hadn't eaten all day, as it was the morning when it all started.

I asked mum and dad if they wanted any food or a drink, but all they wanted was a cup of tea.

So I went in the kitchen and put the kettle on, I started to feel a bit hungry so I made my self a small sandwich, but when it came to eating it I couldn't eat anymore than a mouth full.

I made mum and dads tea and got myself some orange juice, then took it in to the living room where mum and dad still was, but asleep cuddling each other.

I Put the tea on the coffee table for them, though It would be cold when they wake up but I put it there anyway.

I went in to my bedroom then saw my suitcase on my bed, I completely forgot that we was leaving for Disney world today.

Then it hit me with everything that had happened.

I went into the bath room and washed my face, cause it was all sticky from all the tears.

Then got changed into my fluffy onesie and got into bed and started hugging a toy buzz that conner had given me for a Christmas present.

I was so drained from the day i fell asleep as my head hit the pillow.

Hey, what did you think of this chapter? I'm not sure if I like it but oh well. I think I will be posting every Saturday, then another day in the week but don't know yet, But I will be posting the next chapter Monday. Comment, vote and like.
Hope you Enjoyed this chapter, and see you Monday bye! Xxx

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