Chapter 4; Daddy?

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"Baby, all we have is Fruit Loops and Cheerios. So you've got to pick one." I explained, pointing to both cereal boxes.

"I want Chocolate!" Preston pouted, crossing his arms.

I shut the cupboard- rather abruptly- and walked over to Preston who was standing in the kitchen doorway in his White onesie with blue polka dots. He was holding his teddy close to his chest and was frowning up at me.

"Are you out of your mind? It's seven in the morning and you want chocolate?" I said, brushing my hair out of my eyes. He just nodded And continued to pout.

I squatted down and rested my hand on his shoulder.

"You're a crazy little boy, yeh know that?" I chuckled.

He just pushed my arm away and giggled.

"You're not having Chocolate. Cheerios or Fruit Loops?" I reassured him.

"Fruit loops." Preston muttered, finally giving in.

I squinted my eyes and lightly pecked his little nose.

I got up and grabbed a plastic bowl, filling it with fruit loops. I then grabbed the milk carton and poured some in the bowl. I grabbed a spoon and set it in the bowl.

"Here you go, Pressy."I gushed, placing the bowl on the placemat in from of his chair.

He climbed up and sat down on the booster seat.

"Mommy's taking you to the park today! And you're going to meet one of mommy's friends." I smiled down at him, playing with his thick curls. Preston grabbed the spoon in his left hand and began pigging into the cereal. I leant down and kissed his forehead delicately.

Last night Harry and I made plans to meet each other at the park in downtown New York. He said that if the fans got too crazy he'd take us to take us to his flat. But I'm only planning on letting Preston see his father for about an hour. And then we're going to leave. Believe it or not, Harry is only a 1Hour drive from where I live.

"You keep eating like a good boy." I praised Preston just as I went trudging up the stairs. I walked into my bedroom and shut the door behind me. I went searching through my closet and grabbed a baggy white blouse and a black pair of jean shorts. I put them on and looked in the full length mirror and admired my self.

I shrugged and opened my door again.

I walked across the hall and into the bathroom. I grabbed my hair brush and began to brush out the nots that had formed during my sleep.

I pulled my hair back into a pony tail and put on a light layer of foundation, Mascara, and concealer.

"I'm done!!" I heard Preston yell from downstairs.

"I'm coming bud!" I yelled back. I quickly sprinted to Preston's room and picked out a cute plain white t-shirt and little jean shorts.

I ran downstairs and walked back into the kitchen.

Preston was on the floor with a pillow, trying to cover something up.

"Pressy?" I curiously asked. "What are you doing?"

I walked towards him and he looked up at me with tears in his eyes. He gave me a really guilty look as he stood up bedside the pillow.

"I'm Sorry mommy!" He bursted into tears.

I lifted up the pillow and saw fruit loops and milk spilt all over the floor.

"Awww, baby it's ok. Accidents happen." I assured him, I reached forwards and lifted him up onto my hip. He gripped onto the transparent sleeve of my blouse and wiped the wetness on his face away.

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