Chapter 16;I'll Be Back

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A wicked smile spread across his face, making my knees wobble underneath me in fright.

Oh shit.

"How did you-" I began to panic while he stood there with the same stupid smirk. I stopped mid-sentence and remembered back to my mom and I's conversation from earlier today. I didn't let her finish talking to me. I just left. Like i always tend to do, I always run away from my feelings.

Maybe my mom was going to warn me that my dad had found me. Maybe she was going to tell me he was going to show up at my own damn house.

A wave of guilt flooded over me. I gripped onto the door handle so I wouldn't fall over.

"Nice to see you too." He growled, trailing his eyes down my body, then back up.

"Leave." I hissed, stepping back. I bravely swung the door forwards, desperate to shut him out but he stuck his foot forwards so it didn't shut.

I pressed my back up to the door, squishing his foot in the process.

"You don't seem too eager to re-unite with your father." He sighed, keeping his foot between the door and the frame.

"Stay away from me." I broke into a sob, trying to keep my voice low so Harry wouldn't hear, but loud enough so my father could.

"I just want to talk." He slurred, inching his foot forwards.

I hesitantly stepped away from the door and wiped away the tear streams.

I turned around and slowly opened the door, making his foot pull back and rest right beside the other one. He still had black, shaggy hair and a little stubble of a beard. His blackened, brown eyes glared down at me the same way they did when I was younger.

"I-" I began to stutter before I was alarmed by Harrys arms snaking around my waist. His chin rested on my shoulder and he could get a clear view of my father in front of me.

I peered into my fathers eyes, waiting for a reaction. His eyes skimmed over Harry's features, making his eyebrows furrow together in concentration.

"Who's this?" Harry faintly whispered into my ear. I felt a huge lump in my throat, causing me to stay silent.

I looked down at Harry's hands which were latched around my waist. I glanced back up at my dad and his eyes were on Harry's hands as well.

I don't know how long Harry and my dad were exchanging looks but my legs started to ache below me.

Harry released my hips and stood beside me with his hand out in front of him. My dad reached forwards and shook it.

"I'm Harry." Harry cheekily grinned down at my dad.

"I'm Alexis' Father." He calmly stated, with a smile.

I looked down at my feet awkwardly, waiting for the question I KNEW Harry was going to ask.

"Want to come in?" Harry asked. to no surprise my dad accepted the invite.

"If you insist." He mumbled.

Harry stepped back, to make room for my dad to pass threw but instead I threw my arm up to block him.

He stared up at me, puzzled.

I've never spoken about my dad to Harry. In fact, I've never mentioned anything at ALL about my dad or ANYONE on his side of the family. And For some odd reason, he never asked about him.

"If you think you're stepping one damn foot into my house, you're fucking crazy." I spat, glaring down at him.

He chuckled and threw his hands up in front of him, as if to surrender.

He stepped back and sunk his hands into his pockets, smiling up at me.

"Aye now. No need to be feisty." He chuckled, lowering his arms to his side.

Without hesitation I slammed the door shut in front of him.

I quickly locked it and turned around to face Harry who was leaning against the back of the couch.

"I'm sorry.." He trailed off, slightly limping towards me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and placed a light kiss on my lips. I didn't resist, but didn't kiss back. He pulled away and stepped back, looking into my clouded eyes. I turned around to face the door just as my dad began to pound on it.

I jumped back, bumping into Harry.

He stepped around me and walked up to the door.

"Leave it." I quickly ordered, reaching for Harry's hand to pull it away.

"He's just going to keep knocking." Harry said, backing away from the door like I had suggested.

"He'll leave sooner or later." I sighed, making my way over to the couch. I sat down at the edge and buried my face into my hands, trying my hardest to ignore my dads loud knocks.

Why can't he just leave me alone? Can't he tell that I don't give two flying fucks about him?

"Mommy, what's that noise?" Preston's little voice concernly asked from infront of me. I lifted up my head and reached my arms out, inviting him in for a hug. He stumbled forwards and I lifted him up, plopping him down on my lap. He immediately dug his head into my neck and wrapped his tiny arms around my torso. I looked over towards Harry and realized he was still standing in front of the door, staring blankly at the knob.

Seconds later he stepped forwards and unlocked the door. He quickly swung it open, causing my dad to stumble forwards, into my house. My eyes widened in fright as his eyes met mine. He then glanced down at Preston, making his jaw drop.

"Get out." I growled,placing Preston down on the cushion beside me. I stood up and walked over to where Harry and my dad were both standing.

"So soon?" He dramatically huffed.

"Who's this little one." He rather-fakly- cooed, stepping around me. I looked over at a very shy Preston and gasped. I ran over to him and lifted him up, cuddling him close.

"I will call the cops." I threatened, rubbing Preston's back, allowing him to dig his head into my neck.

I cautiously stepped forwards, trying to send off a dangerous vibe(obviously failing.)

A wicked smiled played across his face, sending a shiver down my spine, also forming a lump in my throat. Without another word his dark eyes trailed down to Preston who still had his curly mess resting against my chest. His smiled faded, leaving his lips to be in a straight line across his face.

"Ill be back."He slurred. Without hesition he turned around and exited, slamming the door behind him.

I looked over to Harry who was staring over at me with a 'please don't kill me' look on his face.

I slightly shook my head towards him and thought about my fathers last words.

'I'll be back.' Was all that was replaying in my mind, like a broken recorder.



Comment to make my day<3

But don't comment demanding for me to update. But ILYALL and I dedicate this chapter to err one who commented on the last chapter.

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