Chapter 32;Bonding&Pres

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I admired my outfit from the full length body mirror in my bedroom.

I had a purple tank top on, that was lace in the back, with a black bandeau on underneath. I had dark washed jean shorts on and my hair was loosely curled.

I made my way out of my room, coming to a halt beside Preston's. I rested my hand on the door knob, debating on whether or not I should go in. I came to a conclusion that I better not, considering what happened last time.

By the time I had eaten breakfast, taken my pill and brushed my teeth, it was 9PM.

I plopped down on the couch across from the TV with my phone in hand.

I wonder if Harry's up.

I entered our messages, and sent a text.


I then went into mine and Niall's conversation, also sending him a text.

Hey Ni ;)

I sighed heavily, tossing my phone beside me. I reached over onto the table beside the couch, grabbing the remote. I turned it on, skimming through all the channels until I settled on watching Teen Mom 2.

I watched as Janelle-the girl who looks like Kristin Stewert, scream at her mom while her son, Jace, watched. What an awful mother. I don't even think she realizes how lucky she is that her own FATHER didn't kidnap her son. I bet that's never crossed her mind either. It never crossed mine until it happened.

My phone vibrated beside me, snapping me out of my thoughts.

1 new message from: Ni<3

I went into our messages, reading it.

Hey! harrys not lettin me come on your shopping spree ;(

I chuckled under my breath at how childish he is. He's just downright adorable though. I missed his cuteness.

Poor Niiiii I sent back, getting a message almost at the same time from Harry.

heyy, when should I pick you up xx?

WHY MUST HE ALWAYS SIGN A X WHEN HE TEXTS. God, he's too much of a flirt

Whenever's fine.

so, now ;)? x

As long as you shut up with x's

x on my way x

At that point, I just didn't bother texting back.

I then went into my messages with Niall.

i knowww ;(! oh and louis wants your number.

I scrunched my eyebrows together.

He can just unblock me you know! I texted back, as I thought about Louis.

Ohhh, Louis. I use to think of him as my closest friend. But after he left with the other boys, and blocked me, along with the boys, I was so devastated. Yeah, I was devastated my own BOYFRIEND, left me. And I was beyond devastated about the whole Preston ordeal, but Louis? How could LOUIS of all people do this?

oh yeahh He sent back.

"Idiot." I muttered under my breath, standing up.

I made my way over to the front door, sliding my phone into my back pocket.

Soon enough I watched Harry's sports car pull into my driveway.

I opened the door, stepping out with my purse resting against one shoulder, and coming down at my opposite hip.

I shut the door behind me and locked it.

Once I turned back around my eyes met Harry's.

His hair was still in that quaff thing that made girls' ovaries explode.

I slightly chuckled at that though as I bounced down my front steps and walked around the car to the passenger side.

I swung open the door and sat down stiffly beside Harry.

I shut the door beside me and buckled in.

"Hey." He smirked, sliding dark raybans over his eyes.

I trailed my eyes down to the Union Jack tank top he was wearing, and black skinny jeans.

"Aren't you going to sweat your ass off in those?" I asked, referring to his jeans.

"Meh, I don't care." He shrugged, as I turned my attention to the passing traffic.

"How was your sleep?" He asked, trying to start a conversation.

"It was fine." I pursed my lips, not bothering to ask how his was because to be honest, I could care less.

"You okay?" I watched as his head turned to look at me through the corner of my eye.

I ignored his intense stare, still looking out the window.

At that moment I felt my phone vibrate against my butt. My heart started racing at the thought of it being Louis. I'm sorry, I just haven't spoken to him in 2 god damn years.

I glided my phone out of my pocket, and to no surprise it was Louis.

His number was still saved into my phone, but I just couldn't text him because I was blocked.

Hey Lexi, It's Louis... It read.

I immediately texted back.

Lou! How are you? I typed back.

I looked up at Harry who had his eyebrows scrunched together, glaring down at my phone.

"What?" I frowned as I'm guessing his eyes met mine.

I couldn't really tell, due to the almost black sunglasses covering his eyes.

"Why are you texting Louis?" He muttered, looking back to the road as the light turned green.

"I haven't spoken to him in two fucking years Harry." I snapped, receiving another text.

I'm alright. But the question is, how are YOU?

I'm okay. I sent, looking back up at Harry who was still looking at the road with his jaw clenched and lips pressed into one thin line.

"You haven't talked to Liam or Zayn in 2 years either." He proclaimed, as I scoffed at that.

"And your point is?" I barked, realizing jealousy played across his face.

"Never mind." He spoke through clenched teeth.


"This is cute." Harry pointed to a black mini skirt.

I gave him a 'are you crazy' look and shook my head.

"No thanks." I smirked, trying my hardest to ignore a group of girls that were whispering to each other beside me.

I looked at them and they were staring at Harry.

For a split second I wondered why, but then I remembered. Oh yeah, he's famous.

I know it annoys Harry when fans come up to him when we're hanging out, or at least it did. And like I mentioned before, messing with him is great.

I approached the group of girls and cleared my throat, as their attention flicked to me,

"Would you girls like a picture with Harry?" I grinned as they all squealed in excitement.

"Just go ask." I smiled as they ran at Harry who was taken aback.

They all pleaded him for pictures as he was staring at me, as if to ask for help.

I just shrugged and smirked deviously, walking over to a rack of floral printed shorts.


"Why won't you let me buy you anything?" Harry asked, taking a sip of an iced cap.

We were currently sitting in Tim Hortons.

"I have my own money, Harry." I muttered, taking a bite of a chocolate covered donut.

"I know, but I have more." He bragged, while swirling the straw around in his drink.

"Oh gee, I wonder why." I rolled my eyes dramatically.

"H-Harry Styles!" A girl who looked to be about 13 approached our table.

He looked up at her and plastered on a smile, that I could tell was fake.

I noticed she was wearing a shirt with Harry's face on it.

I wonder how it feels to be on millions of girls' shirts, not to mention walls.

"Hey babe." He sounded the least bit impressed, but spoke to her still.

"Oh my god." She fangirled, jumping up and down.

"Can I please get a picture with you?" She pleaded.

I wouldn't be surprised if she got down on the ground and started praying for him to take a picture with her.

He just nodded as she stood beside him, with her iPhone in hand.

They both smiled, as she took the picture.

"Thank you so so much! You're literally my life! ILOVEYOU." She squealed as Harry shifted in his seat uncomfortably.

"Thanks. I love you too. It was nice meeting you." He exclaimed, looking back at me.

I smirked at him, taking a sip of my frozen lemonade.

"I love your hair!" She continued, as Harry's jaw tensed.

"Thanks babe, but I'm trying to have a conversation with my friend." He tried letting her down easily, which I found amusing.

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