Chapter 38;Hoping For The Best

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Harry still had the palm of his hand against Alexis' stomach, holding her back from rushing into the cabin.

"Harry I need Pressy." Alexis choked out, still desperately trying to push him and his hand away.

She peered up at Harry to maybe give him the puppy dog eyes, but he seemed to be deep in thought, staring back at Alexis.

Out of nowhere Harry shook his head, and turned towards Louis and El, making sure he was still holding back Alexis.

"Louis, take El back to the cars where there's reception, and call the police." Harry demanded.

Louis stared back at Harry, confusion written all over him.

"Now!" Harry's voice was still low, but he made sure it was stern enough to get the message across.

At that same moment Louis and Eleanor were darting down the narrow trail they had originally came down.

When they were out of sight, Harry looked back at Alexis, trying to think of a plan. But he didn't have much time, so he needed to think of one now.


"Here's what going to happen." Harry lowered his voice into a whisper, now gripping onto both of my shoulders.

I didn't dare break our eye contact. And it was hard to hear Harry due to the loud beating of my heart through my chest, but I had to try and ignore it to pay close attention.

He was inches away from my face, pausing to make sure I was all ears.

"I'm going to check out the main floor, while you check the top floor. If you run into your dad I need you to scream for me. I don't care what you scream, just scream. If you find Preston, pick him up and run. Don't worry about me, you need to run back to the cars. You got that?" His voice was very low, and extremely raspy.

I nodded my head, trying to gulp down the large lump that had formed in my throat.

"W-What if you find Preston?" I managed to choke out, feeling his hands grip tighter around my shoulders.

"Then I'll run upstairs and give him to you, then you get the hell out." I watched his lips move as he spoke softer now.

"But I can't leave you." My voice was faint, which seemed to have pained Harry as his eyebrows raised slightly.

"Babe everything will be okay, alright? I'm staying behind to beat that son of a bitch, so he can't come after you two." He murmured, resting his forehead on mine.

I squeezed my eyes shut, cringing at the thought of Harry possibly staying behind and getting hurt by my dad.

"Promise me you'll run as fast as you can." He whispered.

I could almost feel his eyes digging into my closed eyelids.

I hesitantly shook my head, feeling his soft yet familiar lips find their way onto mine.

I kissed back with the same amount of passion, but pulled away seconds later.

"Let's do this." Harry's eyes locked onto mine for an assuring 3 seconds.

He then pulled away, slowly stepping inside, with me hot on his trails.

He turned around to look at me, before nodding his head as if to tell me to go upstairs.

Little did I know, my life was about to drastically change all within 5 minutes. And when I say that, I mean it in a good way.


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