Chapter three

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This morning has been fucking wonderful. Stephano burnt the pancakes, Katrina and Stephen were talking about asses all morning, and Damian spilled coke on my shirt. Now I have to wear Damian's shirt since mine are washing.

Katrina has decided to let me take the month off. I would argue but it would result in my death. When Katrina wants to work Katrina works.

So now I guess I'll just work at the tattoo parlor till I can go in my office again because yes she took my office.


"Come on, you have to take a shower so we aren't late." l attempted at getting her up and off the bed.

"Mhm, I'm coming. I'm coming."

"Better hurry before sparkles get you," I threaten wiggling my fingers. Sparkles is a name I made up for "the tickle monster" since we thought it was basic.

After that she sat up and ran into the bathroom. I dressed her in a cute little pink dress that goes to her knees with ruffles on the sleeves and put little covers on her. I wore a dress too. It's yellow with little flowers all over it and bows tied on the straps.

When we arrived we had to wait on the bench for Donna. I don't think she's ever not late. Luckily we
We were ten minutes late and only had to wait five minutes. At least I could set up the picnic before Donna got here.

"Hello little cutie pie," Donna said as she spun a giggling Nyx in the air.

"So Athene any guys yet," she says with a smirk.

"Nope" l say popping the 'p'.

"Really. Well, in that case, there's this cl-"

"We are not going there, it's super dangerous."


"So no"

"Ugh you're no fun"

"I'll happily go to clubs. I just don't wanna die in one."

"Fine, then we'll go to see the art of the city." she said dramaticly putting her hands in the air.

After a few more hours l left Nyx downstairs and left.

"We have to park over here," Donna says while pointing to a parking spot, I ignored her and drove closer to the lights.

I park the car and start following Donna. There were a lot of lights hung from wall to wall and people gathered around the graphite.

The whole night we were taking pictures, drinking, looking, and dancing.

The night got cut short because Donna got super drunk. I took her home and just started driving around.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw a tattoo place with a big flashing sign that said hidden gem. Should I? No. Yeah. I mean I'm already here.


I gather up my things and place weapons in concealed spots. If I'm gonna be here more I should make sure I'm protected. As I place a gun under a table l hear the bell ring at the front door.

I walked out the back room and saw a girl looking around. She's short, about 5'5, light blue eyes surrounded by a darker blue color, brown loose curls resting on her shoulders. She's the most. . . . . heavenly woman I've ever seen.

I take a couple steps towards her till I'm so close that I can smell her perfume. "Hello" I greet making her jump. " oh no. . . did I startle you?"


I open the door and look around.its small inside, there's a desk in the corner and a tattoo set up.
Chairs are set up against the wall.

"Hello" The voice makes me jump. It sounds like pure allurement. Holy fucking shitzmadoodles that
Is the deepest, sexiest voice I've ever heard in my twenty one years of living.

I finally turn around and see I turn around and see a tall man with the jawline of a Greek God! He has brown hair, green eyes and is tall. I could see tattoos peeking out of his shirt. As I was looking down I heard an "Oh no....did I startle you?" Oh. My. Lord.

I give a little nervous laugh then say "a little"

He chuckles and asks "What can I help you with?" while walking over to me.

At this point, he's right in front of me towering over me. "Tattoo"

"What would you like?"

"Surprise me"

"Realy?" he says while looking me up and down, his jaw clenching.

"As long as it's nothing inappropriate"

"Okay," he says with an amused tone. He thought for a while staring down at me then got the tattoo things ready. He pointed at the chair and I took a seat. He sat on the stool then looked up at me with a barely noticeable smirk.

"Take off your shirt" my eyes almost popped out of my head.

"What!" he repeats himself, slowly saying each word. "Take. Off. Your. Shirt'' l look at him shocked and he laughs. "For your tattoo" I squinted my eyes at him but took off my shirt nonetheless.

He looked at me slightly shocked and cleared his throat. Not gonna lie l forgot I wasn't wearing a bra.
But it's okay because drunk me played it off.

I laid back and covered my boobs with my hands. He put his hand on my rib as he got the area between my
boobs ready. His touch instantly warmed my body and I began to blush. He started tattooing and I can barely feel it. I don't know if it's because I'm kinda drunk or because I can't stop focusing on this man.

After a while of silence, he spoke.

"So why are you getting a tattoo so late at night?"

"Why are you taking customers so late at night?" I questioned back.

"Technically I'm not. At least I wasn't going to."

"Oh," I said surprised. "Then why are you tattooing me?"

"Answer my question and I'll answer yours," he says with a smile on his face. He has a nice smile.

"It's my birthday today so why not. Your turn."

"Well, why not?"

"Because you weren't taking any customers," I say in a duh tone.

"Because it's your birthday"

"But you didn't know it was my birthday"

"Well now I do"

"You didn't before"

"You don't know that. I could have been waiting here for you this whole time for you to come in"

"Like a serial killer"

"Exactly," he said with a smirk and a chuckle.

"You new here?" he asks.

"No, I moved here when I was sixteen"

"With your parents?"

"Nope, I came solo. Sort of."

"Why solo? And what do you mean, sort of?"

"Well someone's curious" After a couple minutes of silence I say "what about you? When and why did you move here?" I say squinting my eyes and acting as if I'm suspicious.

He chuckles and says "About four years ago because of family business."

"Tattoo shop?" I asked.

"Well aren't you curious tesora (Italian: treasure)"

We end up talking the rest of the night about stupid things. He did a snake wrapped around a rose. I love it.

1177 words

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