Chapter Twelve

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The date ended. . . differently then well a normal date. We went to a drugstore, bought a bunch of snacks, raced strangers, and camped out on an abandoned road. Like in a tent.

I laugh recalling Dante's stress as I speed up and kicked the stranger's ass. 

Damian begged me to go to their house today to hang out so that's where we are going.
Me and Nyx put on some sweats and put on a video on the tv as we waited.

I heard the door open and Dante yell "Let's go" he picked up Nyx and we walked to his car. After a while of driving, we pulled up to a huge gorgeous White House.

He parked his house in the garage and we went through a door that was in there. We walked through the hall to find ourselves in a living room. A HUGE living room. There are white sofas, a glass table in the middle, a patterned carpet, glass doors that lead to a pool outside, and a huge Tv on the stand.

My eyes widened at the huge house. Nyx jumps up and down as she sees the pool outside. "Can we go in the pool?" she asks excitedly. "Not today" I answered. Nyx looks at Dante with puppy dog eyes and he winks and mouths later. He walks in front while we follow, Nyx skipping behind him. 

"scendono gli idioti (Italian: idiots come down)"

Four people that I haven't met plus the three I have and a little girl comes down.

"Athene this is Katrina, my sister" he says pointing at a girl with light brown hair and blue eyes. Her hair has loose curls and she's honestly very pretty. She doesn't look like she's Dante's sister though.

"Allesandro my brother" he has dark brown hair and light blue eyes with a tattoo on his neck.

"Jaley Marcos's wife" she has beautiful curly hair and brown eyes.

"Zaylianys Jaley's and Marcos kid" he says while pointing at a little girl with very curly brown hair put in two buns and brown eyes with super long beautiful eyelashes.

"You know Damian, Marco, Stephan and Stephano."

I smile at them and shake their hands. Dante points at me then at Nyx "Athene Selene Night and Selene Nyx Night-" "but you can call me Nyx" she interrupts while waving at everyone.

"You named her your middle name?"Says Katrina.


"Why?" asks Stephen.

"Might as well continue the tradition. My mothers name is Hera Athene Night."

"Okay, so Greek mythology and middle names" adds Jaley while nodding. I nod my head with her. Dante wraps his hand around my waist and kisses my cheek.

"So what are we doing today Allessy?"

"Well we can order takeout and then mom's gonna call you and ask you why you didn't tell her you had a girlfriend then make you talk about her for hours then how far you've gotten in the relationship and if it's more than a kiss she's gonna tell you to marry her because of the mafia-" Allesandro says super fast I barely have time to catch the mafia part.

"Because of the what?" Nyx And I say at the same time. She puts her hand on her hip and gives him the something you wanna say look. I rolled my eyes at this creature I've raised and looked back at Dante.

"But first you have to explain that to her" , continues Allesandro.

Dante's jaw tightens and he looks at me. Honestly, I don't wanna know. Not right now.

"Later" I say. I know it's irresponsible and I should probably be all over this but I know I wouldn't leave anyways. I roll my eyes at the fact that I barely know this man and I already have attachment issues. But it never happens so might as well try to make it last.

I hooked my arm on his. "So what are we gonna order?"

They are surprised I didn't jump on it and their face show it. Well not Stephen but he didn't need to because he said it and then he asked why. "I'm surprised you didn't say anything about it. Why?" to which I gracefully answer. "Mind your business" to which he says "it is my business" to which I say "prove it" and of course, he can't so he just says" okay fair. Wanna watch a movie?"

We all agree and we walk to a room. There are white couches laid out in rows in front of a projector and white screen.

We all sit down Damian, Stephen, and stephano sit in the middle row. Katrina, Alessandro and the kids sit in the first row. The girls seem to have made friends and can't stop talking. Me, Dante, Jaley and Marco sit in the third row. We all grab blankets and get comfortable.

I lay on Dante and whisper "Of course you're illegal" he laughs and pulls me more towards him.

Something tells me today won't be this easy.

838 words

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