Chapter Thirteen

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Nyx nudges my shoulder and I open my eyes.
I sit up and look at her.

"Mami. I need to use the bathroom" I sigh then get up. I looked around to find that only Damian, Stephano, and Katrina had been in the room.

I pick up Nyx and sit her on my hip. I go where Damian is and nudge his shoulder. He wakes up and looks at me half asleep. "What ?" He whispers after looking at Stephano who was cuddling him.

"Where's the bathroom?"

"Two doors down on the left" he answers me.
I follow his directions and she does her business. I helped her wash her hands and went to find the stairs. After walking around for a little while, I finally found them. I hear noise coming from the living room and go towards it.

I put Nyx down and she runs to Dante. I walk toward him and put my hand on his back while going next to him.

"You mean to tell me, my sisters, here?" Said Dante surprised and a little annoyed.

"Yes" answered Marco

"The one that moved to France for art?" Asked Katrina.

"Yes," he answered again.

"The one that ghosted us years ago and gave up the mafia for art school?" Asked Alessandro.

"Even though she could have done it without art school or a closer art school or just called once a year?"

"Is there another sister I don't know about?" Answered Marco.

All three siblings roll their eyes. Annoyed at Marco's response and clearly not happy about their sister being here.

Dante sits down on the couch and pulls me next to him. I grab Nyx and sit her on my lap. He sighs "where is she?"

"She's at the front" answered Marco.

"Well let her in" Dante didn't have to tell Marco to let her in and Marco didn't have to let her in cause she came in all on her own. Out of all the siblings, she looks the most like Dante.

She walks in and sits on the couch.

"Hello, siblings," she says smiling. Everyone has come down and is sitting on the sofa. They seem more annoyed than mad or happy at the girl.

I don't know why but I have a feeling I'm about to find out.

She takes a seat in between Katrina and Stephen. Katrina stands up and sits next to me. She touches her knee to mine and I look at her. "That's our eldest sister Bianca. Three words to describe her fake, bitch, deserter" I raise my eyebrows and hold in a laugh.

"What do you want Bianca?" Dante asked as he placed his hand an inch above my knee.

"Well I'm getting married," she said excitedly. "I met him in Paris and he was the best" she smiled big while Dante looked unimpressed.

Everyone showed fake excitement for her with congrats and asking about venous and what she's planning though Dante stayed quiet.

"He's here now I'll let him in," she said and walked off.

"Damian, can you take the kids upstairs to the playroom?" Jaley looked at me for the okay to let Damian take her and I nodded. He sighed and rolled his eyes dramatically.

"But I don't wanna miss it"

"Then run," said Marco amused. And he did. Damian held the kids on his hips and ran up and down the stairs.

When he sat down out of breath Bianca came in she sat down and they made space for the guy.

I looked at his face and my eyes widened for just a second. This bitch was in France. France. Enjoying life while I was struggling. He was getting bitches. Oh hell no.

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