Chapter Thirty-Two

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I wait at my principessa's bed for her to wake up. I don't think I've ever been this excited for Christmas. It feels like I'm a kid again and Christmas actually feels like Christmas.

Athene walks in and sits down next to me smiling. "Someone's excited," she whispers and kisses me.

"You taste like cookies," I say and she laughs making Nyx move around.

"You wanna wake her?" she asks as I wipe her mouth off the crumbs. "They are almost here." The doorbell rings and Nyx shoots up. She jumps out of bed practically jumping.

"Christmas! Christmas! Merry Christmas Mommy and Daddy!" she said kissing our cheeks. Athene laughs and hugs her while picking her up and placing kisses all over her.

"I want this energy next time you have to wake up early," Athene says, making Nyx stop and run downstairs.

I kiss Athene again harder and longer this time. She hits my shoulder laughing. "We have things to do today." I sigh and pick her up.

I put her down once we reached the bottom of the stairs. She runs into the living room and greets everybody.

"Merry Christmas!" she yells as she jumps into my dad's arms. 

He kisses her cheek and lets her go. Those two have gotten very close since my mom's passing. My dad is a very hard man to get close to and he barely lets anyone in. I think she knows that and that's why she's gotten closer to him. To make sure he's okay.

"Wow," Nyx stares at the gifts in amazement making us all laugh. 

"I'll pass out the gifts," Stephano says, rubbing his hands together.

"So soon," I pointed out.

"Of course. Why do you think we are all here so early?" Stephen says, making me shake my head.

The doorbell rings before the twins can get their hands on the presents. "That's Katrina. She said she was almost here a while ago." Stephen said, grabbing a cookie from the plate.

"I'll get it," Athene volunteered.


"No," I stated as soon as I opened the door. It's Christmas. I am not doing this.

"Athene, how have you been?"  My father says making me wish I checked the camera before I opened the door or maybe closed the gate after everyone came in.

"I'm not doing this today get out," I said, and fucking Nicole, my evil stepmother, shook her head.

"What? Doesn't feel good, does it?" I said, smirking.

"Come on Athene, give us another chance. We came here with good intentions. Please I just want to see my daughter again," I stared at him for a while then rolled my eyes. 

"Fine but you aren't sleeping here,"  I said and opened the door wider.

On the way, they looked around amazed. "Wow, maybe getting pregnant by Luke wasn't such a big mistake," Nicole said.

"Pregnant, no. By Luke, yes. I'm not with him." I said, rolling my eyes. Here comes the judging.

"Oh so...." Nicole said waiting for me to tell her my business and I do because I live in a mansion with a hot husband and my beautiful daughter.

" I'm getting married," I say, flashing my ring.

"How old is he?" My dad asks obviously expecting someone around his age. So of course I play along but the fifties aren't that bad so. . . "Somewhere in the eighties, I think," I say, shrugging and laughing.

We enter the living room and everyone gives confused looks. "Daddy Nathanial and Step mommy Nicole."

They put on their best charming smiles and greet everyone.

"Lorenzo, Marco, Jaley, Zaylianys,  Stephen, Stephano, Damian, Alessandro, my daughter Nyx, and my eighty-year-old husband Dante."

"Oh." My father says. Dante shakes his hand out of respect but it's Dante so my dad's hand is almost purple. I tap Dantes' shoulder to let go and we all end up sitting around the couch as the twins pass out gifts with Christmas music in the background.

Katrina is now here and she's singing in Alessy's ear, his irritation clear on his face.

"Ka-trin-a," he said, turning to her.

"Alle-san-dro. . . I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas. I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas from the bottooom of my heaaart." She sings and we all burst out laughing.

"You're done," Allesandro said while moving seats.

We all unwrapped the multiple Christmas presents from each other and as time passed I almost forgot about the two demons sitting across from me. Almost...

I grab a cookie and sit back on the couch listening to Nyx explain to Damian that she doesn't need money because she's only five.

Of course, Nicole can't keep her mouth shut "Wow, Athene are you sure you want to eat that?" My goodness, it feels like I'm sixteen again.

"No, I grabbed it to shit on it," I say sarcastically. " Yes, Nicole I'm sure."

"Why shouldn't she be sure?" Dante asks with a brow raised, making my dad nervous.

"It's obvious she's not working out. You don't want a fat wife."

"This is the first thing you've said to me and you think you know me. Let's make one thing clear I wouldn't give a shit if she was fat. Another I don't exactly like 'em  thin."

"Okay, whatever you prefer," Nicole said giving that hater type of look.

"So Lunch-" I try to say to break the tension. Key word, try.

"Get out," Lorenzo says and stands up.

"Excuse me." My dad also says standing up. "You will not tell me what to do in my daughter's home."

"Your daughter that's funny because from what I know you haven't talked to her in five years,"

I look at my dad waiting for him to say something. He doesn't. He looks down at Nyx and back at me. He's thinking of a way to make it my fault. Like he used to but he can't. Nicole was wrong and he was wrong for backing her up.

"Come on Athene. You're getting married. I just want to walk my little girl down the aisle." He said, staring at me with hopeful eyes.

"I don't think so but I suggest you find a hotel before you leave and we can talk another time."

I got up and picked up Nyx. "Clear your mind it's Christmas. I want happy people when I get back okay?"

We went up to my room and sat her on the bed. "That's Grandpa?" she asked looking a little disappointed. "No, Lorenzo is Grandpa."
She nodded her head and started to play with my necklace. "Good."

"You know the whole aisle thing?" she asked me smiling like she got a bright idea.

"You should ask Nonno (Grandpa)."

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