Chapter Twenty-eight

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We called Damian in the car but he didn't pick up. I called my men and we are waiting for them to show up. I don't know who's in there or how many people or weapons there are so for now we are in an ally close to the party.

Athene has her head leaned back on the seat and her leg is moving up and down. I don't know how to calm her. Honestly, I don't think I should, I'm just as worried as she is. Who wouldn't be? Our family is stuck in a room with shooters, our daughter could be in there with them. I grab her hand and kiss her lips.

"I will do everything in my power to make sure they are safe but I need you to do something,"
I say and she nods her head.

"If the guards don't come in five minutes I'm going in," I say and she squeezes my hand harder. "Then I'm going too," she said determinedly.

"No," I stared blankly. She turns her body to me and folds her arms in front of her. "You. Will not! Make me! Sit in this damn car! While the people I love! Get hurt! Or die!" I sigh loudly. "You know how to shoot a gun?" I asked, shaking my head lightly.

"Yes," she said proudly and grabbed the gun from under my seat. How the fuck did she even know-? Okay.

She unlocked the doors and we both got out at the same time. We walked through the side entrance and went down the hall. She looked around the corner and back at me. She mouthed "There are four guys. One has his back turned away from the people, and one is pointing a gun at your dad," a tear slides down her cheek and she kisses my cheek quickly. "Two others are standing by the front entrance" Before I can ask what's wrong she takes my gun and shoots the guy behind my dad.

I run in front of her and shoot the guys at the entrance, when I look at the stage the guy is gone. My guess is he's the one that was giving orders. I look at Athene and she's crying now, I follow her gaze to my mom. She's on the floor.

I run quickly to her tears filling my eyes as the blood spills out of her, my dad is over her trying to stop the bleeding or wake her up.
It's not working.

Liam is bleeding out too, and Elijah is trying to stop it. Athene comes next to me and puts her arm around me, I hug her and cry into her shoulder.

"Nyx is at home," she whispers into my ear. Security drives through the door when they see my mom and they kneel on one knee.

They do it to show they appreciated her and honor the life she had.

I get up and go to Marco who is sobbing. She was like his mom too. She was a mom to all of us. Athene goes to my dad and hugs him he sobs onto her shoulder and she does the same. Elijah walks off and takes Athene from my dad. He whispers something in her ear and she cries harder.

                                     • • •
At the moment Nyx is lying between us after crying herself to sleep. I stare at the ceiling not saying anything, I know Athene is up, she's not saying anything either.

Liam is dead, my mom is dead, and Athena is in the hospital after having a heart attack.

"Athene this life, it's dangerous. If you want to leave to protect yourself and go-"

"No, I would never leave. We have gone too far now. "This life" is mine now. The mafia, the family, the enemies, the drama, the kill. It's mine." her voice is low I can tell she's crying. I close my eyes and turn toward her.

"How did you get over your mom's death?"

"I stopped trying to get over it and accepted the fact she was gone. It's gonna hurt Dante a lot but don't try to forget her to get rid of the pain. It'll only hurt more." I nodded my head in agreement.

"I'm gonna have to take over sooner than I thought." she grabbed my hand and hummed.

I drifted off to sleep with only one thought in my mind. At least Athene is here, she's gonna make me happy.

She always does.


It's three in the morning. I messed up our bedroom, there are holes in the walls, the tv is broken, and our curtains are ripped. What am I supposed to do now? The love of my life is gone and my clothes are stained with her blood.

I should have stayed home. I shouldn't have let her jump in front of me. I need her.

She's the reason I made it this far and she's the one reason I had so much love with me. She gave me everything and now she's been taken from me.

I hope tonight she takes me with her because I can not live without her. My mind is scrambled and my heart is shattered. It feels like it's been pulled out of my chest and stabbed. No, shot.

I promise when I'm done with him, he isn't gonna have a heart either.

901 words

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