Chapter Twenty-nine

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It's been a month and a half since Valentina passed. We buried her and threw a little party for her. We talked about her and Lorenzo gave us the wedding planners that she made. We haven't opened it yet, we both aren't ready and with Valentina gone, I don't know when the weddings gonna happen.

I've gone to see him a lot, especially at night because he can't sleep. I try to get him out of the house to go eat or just take a walk. Dante has been with his siblings while the rest have been helping out Dante in any way they can.

Apparently, it was an attack from a small Russian mafia.  Well not small but not the biggest, though the leader of the biggest Russian mafia is helping us find the fourth guy. He's clever. I'll give him that but messing with us was a stupid move.

The Christmas season is finally here but there is no cheer, so today I have decided to throw a Christmas gala. It's more like a charity event for homeless children in America, Italy, India, Honduras, Egypt, and Nigeria. We weren't able to reach enough charities because of the reputation behind the Black surname but at least we could reach these countries.

Lorenzo has been helping me out since I don't know much about planning events. All I have to do now is invite the richest people Lorenzo knows and boom. Like dead ass though if they deny my invitation I'm gonna tell a paparazzi they said: "fuck poor children".

Anyways basically the event is all about giving, so people give donations of money and gifts. There is a small auction for a yacht and two month-long vacations but that's it.


This bitch is so fucking annoying. I said I would come and be with my siblings for a whole day because our mother just died but if this stupid bitch doesn't shut up we are gonna have another damn fucking funeral. Luke's family can figure his shit out cause I don't give a single fuck if he was buried in pig shit.

"Can you shut the fuck up?" Allesandro spoke rolling his eyes.

"I'm grieving my mother. How could you say that?" Bianca said holding on to Luke tighter.

"Girl you don't even know her,"  Katrina said smirking.

"She's my mom," Bianca said defensively. I laugh and get up, I'm not gonna be here just to be annoyed.

"You're gonna leave? What's more important than being with your family after your mother died?" Bianca asked.

"Being with my daughter," I said while putting on my coat.

"You're calling that whores dau-" I didn't hesitate to pull a gun out and shoot Luke.
"I may not be able to kill you, right now that is, but I will not hesitate to kill him. So watch your mouth when speaking about my fucking wife." I stated calmly and walked away.

All I want to do is go home and see my daughter and fiance. That's all I want.

When I finally reach home I almost sprint toward the noise coming from the fun room.

They're sitting in a ball pit throwing the balls at each other and laughing went it hits them. I jump in behind Athene and kiss her neck.

"You're supposed to be with your siblings?" she asks more than states.

"But I wanna be with you," I say while sliding my hand across her waist and putting them on her stomach. I can't wait till she has another baby.

Nyx jumps up and swings her arms around my neck, well at least I have my baby right here.

When she lets go Athene isn't next to me anymore I look behind me and see she has one of the toy guns in her hand. "Don't you dare," I warn, and yet I am still met with the foam bullets flying my way and hitting me.

I get up and run to her. When I reached her I threw her over my shoulder and ran out of the room with Nyx following behind.

"No! Dante No!" I jump into the pool with her on my shoulder. Nyx is on the floor laughing "I don't know what to say first: "Wow you got her" or "You know you still got wet right?"

I grab her and pull her into the pool with us. She crosses her arms and pouts. "No fair,"
Me and Athene laugh at her and she splashes water on us.

*a week later*

"Can we see the wedding things now?" Stephen asked Lorenzo. He laughed and shook his head. "I'm not the one who has them," he said looking at me, making Stephen, Stephano, Damian, and Katrina look at me.

I was surprised by what Valentina knew about her kids. Although I haven't looked at Dantes we did end up looking at the rest. Katrina's wedding is with two girls and their wedding is blue gold and white. Instead of two separate ones Damian and Stephano had the same wedding, turns out she did know and Stephens is "black and white 1920's New Orleans fashion".

"What wedding thing?" asks Jessica, Stephens's new girlfriend. She honestly seems chill and laid back so that's cool.

"My mom made a wedding scrapbook for all of us," Katrina said and Jessica nodded her head. For the next hour, we all talked about what we thought was in our scrapbooks until the conversation got boring and quiet. Lorenzo left and Dante, Marco and Allesandro decided to go with.

A few seconds and wine glasses later Jessica stood up. "We should do pregnancy roulette."

"What?" I ask laughing. "Okay, so we take a pregnancy test and put it in a cup or something and shake it up when the test is done we grab a test and see if someone is pregnant," Katrina grabbed donnas hand and leaned back. Jaley rolls her eyes at her because we all know she doesn't wanna play.

"So me, you, and Jaley," I said to Jessica and she nodded her head. "I guess but if someone turns out to be pregnant it's gonna be really funny." she said, which caused me to laugh. I'm on birth control so all good.

"Aren't all of you on birth control" Damian said and we nodded our heads. "Well we'll see if one of us is part of that six percent I guess." I get up as well as Jaley and we tell the rest we are gonna go looking to see if there are any in the house before we go to the store.

I found two boxes with two in each in the first-floor bathroom and we all took one. We put it in a cup and placed it on the table for five minutes. Stephen was making jokes about what could happen and it kinda stressed me out.

Katrina insisted that they do it so we let them not Stephen though and Stephano said he didn't want to do it.

Katrina grabbed one first and acted shocked. I rolled my eyes and snatched it out of her hands, making her laugh. So mean. Donna grabbed one and started laughing dying. Damian grabbed one and his jaw dropped.

"Oh my gosh, Damian," Jaley said rolling her eyes. "Are you serious?" I asked grabbing the test out of his hand. "Hell no. Oh hell no!" I yelled and the girls looked. There's only one test left. I gave it to Jaley and prayed it was positive. She came out of the bathroom and shook her head. "Not me,"

I'm done. "I'm going home," I said and left as Stephen grabbed Jessica and pulled her to the side.

I got in my car and drove. I can't be pregnant. No way in hell. This can not be happening. Instead of taking the normal way home, I made a sharp right turn. Dante isn't gonna be home till at least twelve and Nyx is having a sleepover with Zaylianys.

I went in and out and drove directly home. My hands were shaking as I took the test out of the box. I sat on the floor as I waited. I was freaking out it felt like the first time I took one.

No symptoms just a late period. I sat on the floor leaning on the bathtub about to cry, thinking how could I be so damn stupid?

Now I don't know what's gonna happen it all depends on Dante. He didn't mind being Nyx's dad but with his mom and everything that's been going on lately. Honestly, I don't even know if I can do it.

The alarm goes off and I turn it off immediately. My phone dings and I look at the message.

Jessica: I'm not pregnant congrats maybe

This did not help. I grabbed it off the counter quickly and looked at it. Positive.

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