Chapter twenty two

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"Oh shut up." I visibly roll my eyes as he tries to bargain. "Athene pl-" Dante cuts him off by hitting his hand with the bat. The noise his bones made when they broke combined with his screams made me feel a certain way.

He cries out more as he sees his twisted deformed fingers. I walk over and stand in front of them. I knew Dante wanted to absolutely rip him apart. I told him about the night when Marcus took me and the nights that followed. Nyx had a deep fear for him before and after. When she told me it didn't take long for me to leave.

I guess when you like me you have to be obsessive about it. Dante is too sorta. . . obsessed. Damian told me he did a background check and that it wasn't a coincidence that we ended up meeting again. But he's the kind of guy you want to absolutely love you like that.

Hearing his screams reminded me of when he broke into my house and tied me to my bed. He was holding my hand telling me about all the things he could do to hurt me. Control me.

I walked towards him slowly as I watched him watch me. He trembled more with every step. How pathetic. His only dream is to scare me, how has he fallen since I've last seen him.

"Athene please." I shake my head and smile.

"Don't worry silly. I'm not gonna hurt you. I just wanna talk and hold your hand like old times. Remember?" I grab his hand while looking deep into his eyes. "This would be your time to bargain." He yells out as I squeeze. "Go on. Marcus Greenburge, why should you live?"

"Why should I die, huh? what gives you the right to kill me?" Marcus stutters out. Dante leans back on the wall and stares at me not hiding his amusement. Well then let the show begin.


"For starters, you are unemployed and broke so you have no value to the economy. You also have no friends and your family hates you, shocker, so you have no value to people. You are only white loves matter so you have no value to anything that could possibly help anyone trying to move the world to the future instead of going to the past and oh I don't like you." She said the end was a little louder. "I have a couple of ideas for how this could go I could make you a bag of broken bones, I could have my men skin you alive, I could chop you up into pieces, cook you and send you to your hateful father, or burn you with acid slowly until you look like your value, at that point you will look like nothing we will have absolutely no use for you."

My men. She said, MY men. That is the sexiest thing I have ever heard. I want her to say it again. I want to record it and replay it over and over again until it is carved into my brain. I never want to forget those words coming out of her mouth ever.

It's so hard to focus when she's here. Oh, mi tesoro you are gonna make me go crazy for you.

"Boss, why are you smiling like that?" Marco asked, confused since I usually keep a poker face when in the basement.

"Mind your fucking business," I state putting my poker face back up.

Athene pulls out a glass bottle of. . . acid. Damn. Oh, Athene Black is starting to sound good in my ears. "Keep this up and we are gonna have a spring wedding instead of fall," I say smirking at her and she rolls her eyes smiling.

She's gonna be the perfect queen.

"I know who killed your mom! It wasn't a robbery, it was planned." Marcus screamed, smiling. Athene stood there for a moment and then laughed. "Come on asshole, she's dead give her a rest."

"You really don't wanna know?" He asks, shocked. Honestly, I'm shocked myself.

"Actually I do want to know. As a matter of fact, Stephano, can you look into this?" She says smirking and Marcus's smile turns upside down. He looks at me and I smirk at him. This is gonna be interesting.

"Are you rea-" he was cut off but his own screams. Athene poured a little acid on his leg.

"You won't kill me, you don't have the guts to." He's really pissing me off right now. She grabs a knife and holds it to his neck; it doesn't take long before it's in his dick. She smiles and waves at him. "bye bye Bitch." She squeezes his jaw to open his mouth and pours the acid down his throat. He squirms a little then goes limp.

This woman is my soulmate.


"You are gonna be one hell of a queen," Stephano said looking up from his laptop. We came to his office to try and find out anything about my mom.

"I know," I say smirking and he laughs a little. It's still kind of weird. If me and Dante make it then I'm going to be the queen of this big Italian mafia. Nyx is going to grow up around this. It's scary to think some of us won't make it out alive because of the mafia but then again everyone is too afraid to try anything and everyone in the mafia is so loyal to Dante and his family. Nyx loves Dante plus I love Dante. I love Dante.


I sigh and Stephano looks up at me with his eyebrow raised. "What?"

"Do you think Dante loves me?"

"Are you serious? He is so in love with you. He loves you more than zia and zio love each other and their love has to have broken a record." Indeed, they may not act like they like each other but you can literally feel their love.

"You love Dante, don't you? I mean finally."

"What do you mean finally?"

"The poor bastard, don't tell him I said that, has loved you since the moment he saw you. He literally marked you as his wife"

"I am sorry what?"

"The snake." That little fucking bitch. Im going to murder him.

"Shit," Stephano says under his breath.

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