Chapter Nineteen

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As I walk down the stairs I hear Dante talking with Stephen. I swear when Stephen is around everyone turns into a mad little kid.

"Can I come?" Stephen asked for the second time.

"No" Dante responded for the second time.

"Can I come? Please" I roll my eyes at his childish behavior.



"No" Dante states simply and rolls his eyes as Stephen pouts. He is one of the most feared men, top fifty at least. I think.

We reach the boys and Nyx goes to grab Dantes's hand "Sorry donkey, maybe you can come next time," Nyx said, patting Stephen on the arm and Dante chuckled. "Come on Shrek," I added, patting his shoulder. This time Dante did not laugh but Stephen did which caused Dante to glare at him.

Before we can exit the door Dante's mom comes running out.

"Let me take Nyx so you bambine (kids) can have some alone time" I look at Nyx and she nods.

We take the same car and end up separating once we arrive. Security watches us while keeping their distance as we walk around. I look at the windows and decide which stores are good enough to go in.

We end up buying some jeans and shirts before we walk into a luxurious shop. I scan the room and stop as my eyes land on suits for women. As we walk over to a beautiful suit with black wide-leg pants and a black blazer.

I grab the hanger and hand it to Dante. You make me leave my clothes behind, you buy new ones.

And so he did.

We walked up to pay and immediately the worker looked me up and down. Dante put the clothes in front of him and the guy ignored Dante, his eyes fixated on mine.

I look at Dante and grin. The boy continues to stare at me and I smile at him. Dante puts his hand on my hip. It doesn't make the boy stop.

"So what event are you going to?" The boy asks with a thick Italian accent. He doesn't sound like Dante's his sounds more. . . boyish.

"This gala thing," I answered.

"Who are you going with?" He says while scanning the pants. I see Dante smirk and I do my flirtatious laugh to not answer the boy's question.

Dante is not amused. His grip on my waist tightens as he glares at the boy.

As we walk out I see a pair of heels that would go amazing with the suit. So, of course, I have to get them. I turn around and Dante follows. When the boy spots me he does too.

I hand the heels to the boy and when he goes to grab them he touches my hand. This does not go unnoticed. Dante does not like this. I think Dante is way too pissed for this to be a joke. I think Dantes is going to kill him.

"If you touch her again I have a pretty little spot in my basement for you." I was right.

The boy finally looks at Dante. I think he's having a panic attack. I think he just fainted.

I was right.
The drive home was silent Dante. When we got inside he immediately pulled me to the nearest room.

He pushed me to the wall with his hand on my throat.

"Maybe you think that this is a joke. Toying with me." His hand starts moving down my body with every word coming out of his mouth. "But it's not. I will kill everyone who lays a hand on you pretending to be like me. Pretending to be someone that can touch you the way I touch you." His eyes go down to my lip and his hand to the button of my jeans and lay there.

"A game of pretending. Spoiler whoever touches what's mine dies. And as for you." He removes his hands from me and leaves.

Damn it. That's way worse than rough sex. Rough sex is good.

I only open the door and yell to him. "Where are you going?"

"The company"

Yes I did ask his mom for the company address

yes, I am wearing a black long sleeve dress with a low v-neck.

Yes, I did threaten the receptionist only to have to call Dantes mom.

Yes, I am walking to his office.

Yes, we are playing a game.

Yes, I will win.

I walked seductively to Dante until he grabbed my hand and pulled me to his lap in a position where I was straddling him. After a minute of gazing into each other's eyes, he says "All this perfection is all for me only for me" He grabs my waist harder at the end. I move closer to him, almost touching his lips I say "You're forgetting something" "and what is that mia regina" (my queen) he says in an amused tone. "You started a war and I don't like to lose...mi rey '' (my king) I say while removing his hands from my hips and walking out of his office with a smirk on my face. No better victory than one against a sore winner.



I hope she calls me that later tonight. It's gonna be fun watching her under me.

The words mi rey leaving her soft lips. They might just be my favorite words. I will probably think about them while I'm working and won't work properly. I'll probably think about them driving home, tired. I can't drive tired and distracted.

So maybe I should go home and think with her for a couple of hours. Maybe til the sun rises.

It doesn't matter what I'm thinking because I'm already halfway home.

When I get there I could barely wait. I run upstairs ignoring everyone in my path.

I open the door and when I see her I immediately grab her and she puts her legs around my waist.

She's on the bed. I'm kissing her. I'm touching everywhere. I want her to call me those words again. It fills my mind. My thoughts have changed. I'm curious. I want to know.

The question is stuck in my head leading me to get angrier. I don't think it'll leave my head till I kill him.

Who the fuck is the son of a bitch who hurt her?

1066 words

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