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It was a very early morning in September. Fall had been creeping in slowly for more than a week now but there was this one strange odd ball woman who loved Fall and winter. Eagerly waiting to clock out so she could go home to bed to be with her loving boyfriend to have all of the weekend into Monday for her days off. Sooyoung is a hard working 20 yo Nurse who works for the NICU department at the Seoul National University Hospital. Sooyoung was closely watching the clock seeing how she had been there from 14:00 the previous day and now it was already 05:00 into the next day. She had been asked to stay extra on her shifts these past couple of days to fill in for her sick co-worker being the hospital was short on staff. Once it was clock out time Sooyoung's Apple Watch began to buzz so when she looked at the caller ID she saw it was her loving boyfriend calling to make sure she was ok. Eagerly awaiting and feeling like clock out time was a reward to her at this point she successfully made it through an another day as she stayed connected on call to Taemin while waking out to the car garage parking lot. He ensured she got around and in the car safely but stayed on call to make sure she made it out the garage safely. Every day or night he would faithfully do this for her to give both of their minds comfort.

Taemin being a 30 yo professional dancer he questioned how he ended up dating someone who loved babies but yet he can't stand it when someone doesn't baby him. Anytime Sooyoung would talk about her work and how she took care of this one baby who always needed special attention due to it's Down syndrome alongside a health problem. Not only that but the parents rejected the babe due to its birth defect which absolutely hurt Sooyoung. It was not capable for her to understand how a parent could reject such a simple defenceless little baby who needed it's parents in that time of need. Sooyoung cried day and night over this babe because she definitely adored children and someday hoped for her own. So Sooyoung made sure the baby was loved and provided for which she fell in love with the baby's sweet tender heart. It was an Instant but yet spontaneous bond forming between the two. She had a deep heart and a desire to raise that child into a great adult. One of these days she knew within her heart of hearts that she would go to court and grab that child from harms way.

Whenever Sooyoung got sad about her work Taemin would automatically stick his head in her lap to ask her for cuddles to cheer her up. While Sooyoung worked for however long her boss needed her to work Taemin would always head to the dance studio to practice for his road to stardom. He wanted to be a main back up dancer for a famous pop star. No matter how many times Taemin tried to give up at his dream his heart wouldn't let him. He was bound and determined that he was going to get that opportunity in his life because you only live once.  Sooyoung ran her fingers through Taemin's hair sighing thinking about that baby but also wanting to approach him at the right time about it. Taemin loved kids like she did so hopefully things would go the way she pictured in her head.

Taemin wanted to know what was going on in her head but to cheer her up he go up putting on Snsd Mr. Mr to ask for a dance to help redirect her mind. Sooyoung accepted the dance immediately getting up jamming to one of her favorite songs humming while dancing the choreography to it while Taemin did his own thing. "So princess what's on your mind? You seem weighed down plus Jinki told me a couple of days ago of what happened with him." Sooyoung nodded with a smile dancing still happily minding her own business while vibing thinking of how to approach Taemin about this child. "So um, there's this baby in the department I work in and the parents abandoned it because of its birth defect not only that she has a collapsed lung. How does a sweet little girl go through so much when she's just new to this world? Also baby I know know you don't like it when someone else doesn't baby you but I am really concerned about this child. I want to adopt this child.. I want to give her a fighting chance in this world with an amazing opportunity to have a good life. I feel like I can provide that alongside you even if you're not willing I am willing to be a mom pre-maturely to protect this child at all costs. Yes I know someday you may want kids with me but I can't stand that this baby is alone majority of the time and has no one except me. What do you say babe? Are you ready to be a father yet?"

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