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The weekend went by fast but it was very nice for Sooyoung being the break is what she needed. But the last day of the weekend she went crazy on shopping for little girl clothes, matching outfits and etc in the Maternity stores. When Sooyoung was heading home she swung by Starbucks to grab her something but she got a call from Jinki so she answered her Apple Watch. "Hello? Jinki what's up?" "Yeah Sooyoung I just found out you're Jonghyun's sister. Why didn't you tell me you were his sister? All this time of Taemin being my best friend and you dating Taemin NOW I'm dating YOUR brother. How do you feel about that?" Sooyoung sipped on her Starbucks but choked lightly upon hearing that news being shook to the core. "Wait- YOU ARE DOING WHAT?!! YOURE DATING MY BROTHER?!! DAMN- Lucky dog that you are. haha congratulations! But as I was about to say it's easy to keep me protected when you're out in the spotlight of fame. Protecting the family members is critical in that line of profession Jonghyun does. But it's time you see that I'm his sister and somewhere down the road you would've found out. But surprise?" Jinki sighed not knowing how to respond to Sooyoung. "Well I am happy that you've taken the news very well. I'm glad to know you're ok with it but anyway I got to go because he's whining for me. The baby boy calls for his daddy hah and you know I'm the biggest daddy." Sooyoung wheezed while laughing responding back to Jinki. "Boy if you don't get out of here with that bullshit! Ha, love you bro but you're absolutely fucking nuts sometimes. Catch you later." The two disconnect the call while Taemin comes up from behind kissing on Sooyoung's neck to love on her while she pulled him to the couch to cuddle.

Taemin's phone rang in the middle of the cuddle session to see it was a call from his mother. "Hold on babe my mother is calling I need to see what's up." Sooyoung nodded while Taemin answered his phone she processed to text her home boy Ace. "Hey mom! What's going on? You normally don't call it's me calling you. Things ok?" "Oh yes my son. I got this strange case today from a case worker about a baby who was abandoned by its parents at the hospital due to its health condition. Someone named Ms Kim Sooyoung reported it to Mr Ho today. Aren't you dating someone with that same name? I remember you telling me something like that a while back."

Taemin went pale in the face losing all ability to speak because he knew his mom had this case all along. Sooyoung ran over to check on Taemin quickly making sure he was ok. "Baby! Oh my gosh are you ok?! What did your mother say? You're white as a sheet!" Taemin handed the phone to his girlfriend to talk to his mother. "Hello? Is this Taemin's girlfriend?" Sooyoung answered back politely as possible not putting the connections together just yet. "Yes ma'am this is Taemin's girlfriend." "What happened to my son?! Is he ok?" Taemin faintly answered yes in the background. "Ok thank God. Anyway, Sooyoung I see my son's contact information was down for a baby who's 3 days old in the hospital under your contact information. I see you Ms Kim Sooyoung are trying to adopt this baby? Is this true?"

Sooyoung looked down at Taemin while he encouraged her to answer his mother honestly. "Yes ma'am your son and I would like to adopt this baby to give her a fighting chance. Mrs.Lee I already call this babe Kim Hee like the light she is. You see Mrs. Lee this baby has absolutely no one but me and Taemin so I'd like to shelter her, love her, ensure she's safe with a bright future." Sooyoung said all she had to say while Mrs. Lee wanted to talk to her son so she handed the phone back to him while she walked into the kitchen grabbing her a V8. Taemin honestly answered all the questions his mom had thrown at him honestly. "You're thinking you're ready to be a dad? What can you provide for this child?" "I can do my best to help Sooyoung all along the way with this baby girl while ensuring that she is well taken care of. Food, clothes, house and the best love in the world to help her grow up. She was abandoned after all which makes it very obvious the parents didn't want the child. So Mrs. Lee you ask me why I'm ready I answer you honestly on why." Taemin turned the phone away from his face to let out a nervous sigh but then turns the phone back to be prepared in case more questions were asked. "Alrighty that should be all question on that but I already have your Names, Addresses, Date of births and statement claims now so I should be able to process this case soon as of tomorrow. Well I thank you both for being honest with me to answer all questions with the honesty of y'all's hearts. I will now see what will be done from here on out. Thank you for choosing Lee Law firms."

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