Pt6 (Mùrd3r, torture, Bl%d, St@rv@t1on,Mafia)

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Little Hee had now grown up into a 9 month old baby. That mean everything bad in the house had to be hidden or locked away from her reach. With her having a curious nature about everything she crawled around the house babbling along the way and in her mind she enjoyed running away from Sooyoung. Sooyoung sighed with a small laugh watching over her daughter making sure she didn't get close to anything that could hurt her in the slightest way. Hee babbled with a giggle looking back in her mother's direction crawling back towards her but crawls past mommy to her daddy. Taemin leaned down picking Hee up holding her with bouncing Little Hee softly while Sooyoung sat down on the floor accepting defeat laughing softly about it before flopping back on the floor.

Hee looked down seeing her mother on the floor not knowing what just happened so she started crying squirming out of her father's arms. Taemin let her down gently but soon as she was free she immediately crawled over to Sooyoung to check on her. Sooyoung raised up grabbing Hee raising her in the air sitting up kissing on Hee's face softly calming Hee down. Hee babbled out her version of 'mommy' while Hee grabbed onto Sooyoung's hair softly being happy her mother was ok. Sooyoung smile softly leaning down to kiss Hee's little head at that moment Hee reached out to kiss her mother's cheek.

Taemin recorded the soft memory sending to his broisky Jinki so Jonghyun could also see the lovely memory. Jinki didn't reply right away which didn't bother Taem in the slightest so Taemin sat down beside Sooyoung draping his arm over his girlfriend which made her smile as they watched Hee crawl to her father being more of a daddy's girl more than mommy's little girl. Taemin took Sooyoung into his side while Hee crawled into their laps. Hee happily was content in her parents lap she sat there staring at them while Taemin looked over at Sooyoung's lip leaning kissing her softly. Mid-kiss Hee was clapping with giggling being happy seeing her parents together sharing their love. Soon afterwards Hee yawned laying down in Taemin lap belly down falling asleep.

Sooyoung got up gently taking Hee to put her back in the crib making sure she was sleeping peacefully before having time with Taemin. Sooyoung straddled Taemin's lap kissing his cheek softly before Taemin wrapped his arms around Sooyoung's waist. "Baby? Isnt Hee just the cutest baby you've seen?" Taemin smiled pulling Sooyoung closer kissing her full on lips to lips surrounding her body he pulled away with a smirk wanting to be mischievous with her but in his mind he also knew they couldn't get freaky now being the baby could discover them. Sooyoung laid in Taemin's shoulders staying comfy while he held her getting up walking with her around him to the bedroom to cuddle while taking a quick mini nap.

Jinki got a text from one of his assistants so he snuck out the house making sure Jonghyun was ok before leaving the premises. Jinki texted his assistant back trying to see what he wanted but he knew he had to handle business on the side. Everyone knew he was a gamer but they didn't know the dark side of what he did either. Jinki the mafia boss is the side no one dared to think about neither did he want them to know. On the way there his car read the message out to him and what it said was bone chilling. "Hey boss,we got this guy here with us and his girlfriend put the hit out on him. 32 yr old Lee Heejun the girlfriend also mother to be of 31 yr old Choi Minji's baby. She found him cheating on her with her best friend so she ordered the hit on him soon as possible."

Jinki gasped being enraged at the fact he would cheat on his expecting girlfriend like that. That made him even more angry to the point he sped quickly getting to the secret location. Jinki parked his car getting out of fusing with anger already as he listened to the cries and pleads from the guy they had chained up which was completely at their will. Jinki stood there in front of the guy yanking him by the collar he kicked his sides more than once torturing the guy to the point that blood came spewing out of his mouth. "Tell me why you the pathetic sorry excuse of a human that you are. Why would you cheat on a woman who gives all her time, love and devotion to you? Not only that by the way she's three months pregnant and you still don't care? Damn sucks to be you doesn't it?" Jinki tilted the guys face up like he was going to talk to him but instead he started punching it up even more until the guys jaw broke completely. Jinki pulling his hand back as it was covered in Minji's blood. Minji groaning out from the agonizing pain from every blow while Jinki had wiped his hand clean from any blood residue. He walked away for a second to order one of his helpers to whip the guy until he bled out from all the cuts as he was making sure Minji's torture was slowly drug out. "Make sure he's bloody and weak. Don't let him feel anything but pain plus don't feed him anything until he realizes his mistake. That'll teach the scum never to cheat again."

The aid took the given orders Jinki had given following through with what was expected of him to do. Jinki patted the guy on the back as the torture began for Minji. While Jinki got onto his car he could see what was going and he could hear the cries and screams from Minji while his aid did the rest of the dirty work. Jinki shook his head and proceeded to leave heading back home but thinking of a way to scheme his way out of this. When he parked the car in the garage he looked in the mirror seeing the blood on his shirt groaning he took his shirt off leaving it in the car so when he entered the house he'd be shirtless. Looking for a way to cover his tracks he took a water bottle from the fridge going outside emptying it on himself making it look like sweat very carefully. When Jonghyun did wake he would think Jinki went out for a morning run that way he wouldn't be suspected of anything that happened. Jinki panted like he just came back from a run when Jonghyun woke up looking towards Jinki's direction. Jinki found a spared shirt in the corner of the room and he hummed sitting down in the chair man spreading being very seductive as Jonghyun went over to say good morning to him.

Jonghyun sat down in Jinki's lap as Jinki wrapped his hands around Jonghyun's tiny butt squeezing it holding his baby close

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Jonghyun sat down in Jinki's lap as Jinki wrapped his hands around Jonghyun's tiny butt squeezing it holding his baby close. Jonghyun winced leaning into Jinki kissing on his neck softly like he did every morning. "Good morning baby~ man I sure would like to fuck you good this morning~" Jonghyun being aroused by the thought he immediately agreed getting naked before him while Jinki did whatever he wanted to Jonghyun at his expenses. Having a nice morning sex session was a great way to start the day off. Jonghyun laid on the bed curled into a ball whining being sore from the aggressiveness Jinki had laid on Jonghyun. But Jinki was gladly pleased in knowing Jonghyun was so needy for him. Happily the two ended up cuddling while Jinkis phone pinged with a message from his assistant informing him on the situation down at the warehouse. "Client is passed out, bloody, beaten, bruised and hungry but he still refuses to acknowledge his wrongful doing by claiming he is in love with his mistress." Jinki texted back quickly before Jonghyun could know anything about it. "Continue punishing him until he gets to the point of death. If that doesn't get him to confess then i don't know what will unless you figure out his fears to torture him with those."

Jinki looked and saw a video from Taemin showing it to Jonghyun. Jonghyun watched the video with Jinki happily as he saw his sister being happy as a mother while Taemin enjoyed himself watching the two get cute together. Jinki cooed softly stroking Jonghyun's shoulder as he replied to Taemin as well. "Cute video and I hope you guys are doing well. I got to go because baby boy is calling me so be safe you guys! Come visit when you want to! Love y'all bye!" Jinki sent the message kissing all over Jonghyun leading into a second sex session which Jonghyun didn't care as he has had fantasies these past few days of doing things with Jinki. Jonghyun expressed what he wanted while Jinki granted him the sexual pleasures.

Sooyoung laid down taking a nap while Taemin watched over Hee guarding the house. Taemin stayed alert watching over everyone even tho he was tired he knew what he had to do. Fighting to stay awake he drank some coffee but 13 mins after he drank his coffee he ended up falling asleep on the couch. Sooyoung was awaken by the sound of Hee crying from being wet so she changed the diaper taking care of her before putting her back to sleep. She walked out into the living room finding Taemin knocked out on the couch while she tapped his shoulder inviting him to bed so they could cuddle to sleep. Seeing how they've been not resting much these days they took the opportunity to make the best of it.

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