Pt10 (Tw: Car crash, surgery, stitches, anixety, sadness)

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Jinki finally woke up in his bed looking around being observant of his surroundings knowing he was now in the ICU floor. Jinki sat up with his head pounding viciously getting a shock once he  suddenly felt down his side noticing he was bandaged up and he had two medicines being dripped by IV into his system. Jinki desperately tried to recall of his memories on what lead him to where he is in this present moment. Jinki's mind searched around aimlessly in hopes of finding what happened until he finally realized him what occurred. Him and Jonghyun were fighting so bad to the point  Jinki had to leave the house to calm down to avoid from making the situation worse. So Jinki grabbed his car keys to calmly drive away from the house to go to the park relatively nearby the house which would be about 5 minutes away. Jinki held the wheel gripping it firmly being focused on driving suddenly out of nowhere he was T-boned by an another driver being careless with their life too. Anyone knows texting and driving is too dangerous which it has it serious penalties for doing so.

Jinki looked around but it hurt him to much to even focus on something in front of him such as his tray of food. Jinki rung the nurses station for help which one of the nurses responded nicely as possible despite being packed from being over loaded from multiple patients. Jinki could hear Sooyoung's voice off in the distance talking with an another patient's family wondering how Jonghyun was doing. Once Sooyoung got done with that family she made her way down to Jinki's room checking in on him. "Oh hey, I see you're awake how are you feeling?" Jinki held his left side groaning with a hiss as he closed his eyes shut tightly to stop from feeling the excruciating pain getting worse by the minute as he managed to become responsive to the question. "'Mm hey Sooyoung. Ah fucking hell- my side hurts.. how did I end up here?.. where's Jonghyun?"

Sooyoung looked down at Jinki lifting his gown up to look at the sight to where  it was hurting him seeing  the bandages were leaking a little pink fluid but she removed the bandages to see if the stitches popped open to see a few of them had knowing she needed to immediately get this situation straightened.  "Jinki I'm afraid to tell you this but I'm going to have to get you to the OR your stitches popped open but far as it goes with Jonghyun he's here with Taemin and Hee. The reason you're here is due to a reckless driver failed to obey traffic laws they were texting and didn't see you when you went by them and they pulled out in front of you smacking right into your side. Second reason you have stitches is due to two shards of glass from your window impaling your left side stopping right between your ribs four and five. You're really lucky right now if it would've gone further it would've hit right into the soft tissue of the left lung puncturing it open causing a Pneumothorax which is a collapsed lung. So yeah you hear you're lucky but don't worry I'll ensure you'll get taken care of quickly I'll also inform the family. Our doctor today is Dr Kim Minseok he's the head doctor in the OR so I'll see you shortly in Post Op. If Dr Kim says it safe for proper for the family to visit I'll get them in here ok? Love you brother! You got this!" Jinki nodded with what strength he had groaning out loudly agreeing to everything Sooyoung said.

Sooyoung was pulled aside by one of the nurses to be escorted down into the locker room where all the valuables were locked up at. "Mrs Lee I understand you're family to your patient in Room 217 but have you informed the rest of the family here? Reason I ask is there's an another patient admitted here in the Er for hyperventilating and an anxiety attack who's name is Kim Lee Jonghyun? Does that name sound familiar to you?" Sooyoung got really light headed as she felt her knees trying buckle right out from underneath her but the nurse catches Sooyoung quickly to sit her down getting a water to also help her out. "Yeah he's my brother he married to patient in 217.. I just hope my husband is able to keep up our daughter right now.." "Sooyoung heres your water and take a slow deep breathe before going to check on your family. I'll cover for you here now when you're ready go." Sooyoung nodded with a gentle sigh getting up walking down the hallway  to the elevator getting in heading down towards ER checking in at the nurses station there seeing which Room to find Jonghyun in knowing Taemin was somewhere around there with Hee.

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