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Jonghyun arrived 15 minutes early to her postpartum checkup appointment filling out the paperwork for herself while keeping her eye on her sleeping baby. After completing the paperwork she got up to return the papers to the front desk staff letting them handle the situation from then on out. Jonghyun crossed her legs over one another glancing at her sleeping son and staring down at her watch watching every second go on by slowly getting more uncomfortable as she didn't know what to expect at this point being this was the first postpartum checkup since her pregnancy. When the nurse called Jonghyun back she gently picked up Jeong's carrier toting him back into the room. The nurse was doing her routine preparing Jonghyun for the doctor and finishing up with all her vitals but that's when Jeong woke up from his sleep and looked around scoping out his surroundings to then look up at his mother very curiously as to why they were there. The nurse ensured Jonghyun's vitals were good to go but on her way, she stopped to say bye-bye before heading over to the next patient. Jeong didn't make a noise as he wasn't bothered one bit by any of this visit but he sure did lay there staring at this woman thinking she was a weirdo. Jonghyun looked over to the chair next to her seeing how baby Jeong was staring that woman down as Jonghyun found the whole thing humorous. Jonghyun caressed Jeong's cheek tenderly adoring her son as a soft smile extended across her face as she leaned over to grab the TushBaby baby wrap out from the diaper bag so she could let her son out of the holder for a while allowing Jeong to be close to her. Jeong recognized his mother's happiness letting out a soft giggle and getting comfortable against his mother's chest falling back asleep slowly knowing there was no danger. 

Approximately 15 more minutes had passed before the doctor came in to see how everything was going with Jonghyun's recovery also knowing Jonghyun had a few important questions while gently patting Jeong's back ensuring her baby rested well. Jonghyun was scared to ask her initial questions thinking it would be weird to ask The doctor assured her that due to the HIPPA Guidelines, everything was confidential between the two of them. Jonghyun gulped looking down at the resting child before focusing her attention back to the doctor. "Uh so uhm I'm sure you know I have both male and female parts which I was assigned like this from birth Most would say I'm a freak sadly I've adjusted to these bullies... I need to get this straightened out... I don't want to confuse this little boy of mine as to who I truly am... but I would also like to mention while I'm here I want to get rid of my male genitalia for good as it serves no purpose... I want to be a female deep within myself permanently since I have the perfect conditions to finalize my decision... I'm just a bit scared as to what this would bring about but I'm most definitively sure that this is 100% what I want."  The doctor took notes in the chart listening to the patient's needs also concerns addressing them one by one with the most detailed answers. "For most certainly we can get you scheduled with the surgeon for this particular procedure and then we will go from there. Have you had any other questions or concerns regarding your health? Unusual bleeding besides your period? Any nipple discharge or changes from your natural discharge? Blood in your urine besides from your menses? Unusual redness, soreness or swelling in either breast?" Jonghyun had to think about all these questions as they were all off the top rope answering in a straight line of no's being precise in speed keeping up. The final question required the most straightforward answer as it would be highly important to know. "I'm showing on my records you didn't have an in-hospital birth with this child so may I ask who helped deliver this child? I do see a record on file to prove you have a medical note in here stating you needed official documentation for Jeong's birth certificate Is this correct?" Jonghyun sighed softly as things seriously got heated up feeling pressured to answer this question almost getting upset because of the invasion of privacy civilly replying. "I'm sure you might've heard about my sister Mrs. Lee Sooyoung who works down in the NICU area here in this hospital She helped me deliver my baby at home with the help of my fiancé. She's really quick and smooth about the process ensuring I had the best care possible for the meantime until I could get in with my PCP. Sooyoung is also pregnant this time with her first baby but I'm sure my niece is going to be great with her new sibling. But I have the birth certificate of my son on hand if need be. One thing for sure I know my son Lee Jeong was born on May 31st of 2023 exactly at 08:36 am making him 14 weeks and 6 days old as of today." The doctor looked up from her chart gasping being in total shock as 3 months had already gone by so quickly with only a short amount of time until fall rolled on into the picture. "Oh very nice Thank you for showing me the certificate but wow Jeong is a big boy he's only 3 months and 12 days old My goodness you must be feeding him well huh? Ah yes yes Mrs. Lee Sooyoung the speedy Gonzales of the NICU. I hear a lot about her considering some of my patients have had her as their nurse in the hospital when complications from childbirth occurred. I will keep my eye out on Mrs. Lee from now on knowing you two are related. Congratulations on becoming an aunt again for the second time but please send my regards over to her. Now, I will get your PCP to sign off on this slip I recommend a mental evaluation I don't think you'd need hormone therapy as you produce a natural amount of estrogen naturally. However, if additional tests are needed from the PCP get them done ASAP so the surgeon centre can book you an appointment. Anything else I can help you with give us a call and one of the girls at the desk can help you. I'll want to see you back here after you get this squared away so you take care be safe and good luck with everything. Jonghyun sighed softly thinking how Jinki would react to this situation wondering if he'd support her choice since Jonghyun already identified as a female. Jonghyun made the next appointment out ahead in advance so she'd be good to go until the next time.

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