Pt 11

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Jinki had recovered quickly quite faster than expected and it was time for him to go home. One of the nurses in the department came in with  papers for Jinki while he read the aftercare papers she also gave Jinki a brisk run down of what he needed to do while he was in his healing process including what to do if the sutures were to ever itch him really bad. At that point she handed Jinki the new pair of clothes which were giving to the hospital by donations. The nurse allowed Jinki to get situated in while she went to get his discharge papers so Jinki texted his husband Jonghyun eagerly letting him know what's going on.

Finally after waiting 20 more minutes the nurse had the papers for him without any hesitation Jinki signed off quickly as he was now able to leave the hospital. A different nurse came into the room allowing Jinki to get comfortable into the wheelchair looking around the room to see if he had any more items left behind giving the nurse the go ahead to wheel him down to the car.  When Jinki got into the car he was very grateful to get away from the very sickly people seeing he wasn't in need of the hospital now but of course he had to abide by the set of instructions the nurse had given Jinki.

Of course Jonghyun was a bit overwhelmed and overjoyed to see his husband back in front his eyes even though he was in different clothes from what he was used to. Jonghyun didn't care he was just happy to have back the man he loved in his sight and soon to be in his arms once they got home.  Jinki leaned back into the headrest of the seat sighing happily being glad to be company to his lovely Jonghyun. "Baby I know it was lonely around the house and it was sure enough lonely up there in the ICU without you.  I missed all of you my darling." Jonghyun wanted to tear up but he couldn't do that yet due to the fact he was the designated driver. Jinki held Jonghyun's free hand all the way home.

Jonghyun drove up into their driveway and parked the car being extra careful with Jinki knowing he was very vulnerable as well. So doing what Jonghyun knew to do he opened the door to their house then he made his way back to his husband to assist him out of the car. Jinki put all of his weight on Jonghyun groaning as he was bedridden for a while now. As Jonghyun held up all the weight being thrown on him he faithfully lead Jinki into the house going to the living room sitting Jinki down then proceeding to go get the remaining items from the car but ensuring he locked it before going back into the house. Jinki grabbed Jonghyun very lightly pulling him close to snuggle into him. "Fuck I missed you baby boy. Ugh I wish you could've been there with me in that awful dreadful lonely hospital room but the best part was Sooyoung ensuring I was taken care of and checking on me. Yeah Sooyoung is a great fucking nurse I understand why she gets stressed now. I thought I had it rough shit! She works hard, comes home takes care of Hee and Taemin, she cooks, she cleans with doing her household duties to ensure the house is cleaned. I have more respect for Nurses and Doctors more than I've ever had in my entire life. Not to mention Taemin has one lucky woman and I have a lucky boy. We both are winners and I love you Jongie." Jonghyun snuggles his way deeper into Jinki's lap as Jinki caressed his baby boys soft luscious hair.

In the meanwhile back the other Lee residence Hee just came home from daycare as she was already of age at this point which Taemin was the one who picked her up but they didn't directly go home. Taemin peered up at Hee from the mirror keeping his eyes on the road but talking to his daughter as he surprised her with Burger King. "Hee baby girl, what do you want to eat? I know you're just like mommy and your uncles you're in love with chicken. Do you want chicken?" Hee thought for a moment with a soft energetic reply being enthusiastic about food. "Yesh daddy! Pwease I like the spicy chicken~!" Taemin ordered three spicy chickens two large fries, two large drinks with a small drink and fry for little Hee. He also grabbed a small pie for Hee with two large shakes for the adults. As he proceeded to the window to pay for the food he got a text from Sooyoung which the car speakers would eventually out. "You have one message from Wifey. Hey Babe I'm coming home early today. I'm not feeling well I have a headache and I just got my period so I'll see you guys shortly I love you Both." Hee made a noise hearing the text from her mom coming from the speakers but Taemin made sure to grab the food after paying for it. Once the food was in his possession he sat everything down in a safe place ensuring that it was stable for the transportation to home.

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