Pt 12(Male pregnancy, passionate love)

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Three months slowly passed on by everyone as the year continued bringing the troubles to everyone as reality continued to be altered deliberately to keep the truth away from everyone. The shady people continued to hide in close corridors feeling safe within their walls getting arrogant even more as every day passed by refusing to let go of their lusts for power. No regrets, no shame, no doubt nothing as they continued to have blood on their hands being smug in demeanour feeling invincible against all forces. But it was the unknown forces that no one saw coming to save all mankind. By this time certain people all over the entire world would panic, fear from what was being spread out to them while the ones who knew what was going on would be in uproar due to them knowing the circumstances being presented wasn't reality. May only had 1 day left in it which meant June would start an another complete month of chaos. So let's find out what's going on with the Lee Family.

Jinki occasionally time from time kept up with his Mafia buddies even though he still was the main leader but of course there would always be a second honcho for Jinki's absences. Jinki helped out around the house with Jonghyun even more knowing Jonghyun was to remain on bed rest since it was coming down to the final days of his pregnancy. Jonghyun had sharp pains in his stomach knowing that was definitely not normal calling out for Jinki which sent both into panic mode. Jinki calmed Jonghyun down as he called Sooyoung first as she was the one who came to mind.
This would be the couples first born but thanks to their niece they had great practice in this department as they developed skills over time. Taemin climbed the ladder pursing being a professional dancer which was always a life long goal of his little did he know life had a major surprise for him. Taemin married the love of his life Sooyoung as he kept hinting towards Sooyoung as he planned for a second child. Despite his and Sooyoung's busy schedule they sure had a lot of time for good dick down sessions in between which Taemin was determined to have Sooyoung his baby mama officially. Sooyoung was still a nurse down at the local hospital rescuing, saving, helping lives daily. June was a month Sooyoung wasn't too thrilled about knowing June's arrival brought the hot weather, more challenging mental situations,more uproar, more division, more controversial topics, more crazy shit that would blow many minds as things that could be thought of. But this was part that followed along as it was welcoming Summer. Sooyoung got up at 05:30 am hoped in the shower taking a quick shower prepping for her day off as Taemin snoozed away being deep in a dream. In the span of 10 minutes Sooyoung's phone rang which woke Taemin up making him grouchy leaning over checking the caller ID answering the call. "Hey Jinki what's going on?" Jinki informed Taemin for the reason he was calling this early in the morning. Taemin sat on the bed listening and did his best to comfort Jinki as he would get the message across to his wife hanging up the call.

Sooyoung finished her shower turning everything off grabbing her towels drying off as she walked into the room the way she was seeing her lover sitting there waiting patiently for her to come over. Taemin's face lit up to the sight of his naked wife right in front of him as he got up helping Sooyoung with her skin and hair care routine. Taemin sat Sooyoung the edge of bed helping her apply lotion, hair gel including assisting her in daily vitamins alongside getting dressed. Out of curiosity Sooyoung asked Taemin what the call was about. "So that was Jinki.. uhm Jonghyun wants you over there in case he goes into labor which means we could have a nephew or a niece shortly. Oh and uhm I do need to get little Hee to pre-K darling so I'll meet you guys down at the hospital if that's what's chosen but first girl let me remind you how much I love you."Taemin smiled softly kissing down Sooyoung's neck loving the sight in front him massaging her shoulders caressing down her back before sitting behind her grabbing Sooyoung's face looking into her eyes tracing a mental picture of her before leaning into Sooyoung's lips locking his lips down onto her's as she smiled softly in the kiss tenderly holding onto Taemin caressing his arm softly as she slowly slid Taemin's hands down to her breasts letting him have a tender squeeze. Taemin fully took advantage of that situation loving every minute of it. "Mm, you smell very sweet today darling. I love you Mrs. Lee Sooyoung you're very beautiful don't stress out today ok?
Taemin got up leaning kissing Sooyoung's forehead softly seeing in her eyes she wanted more. "Don't worry to much kitten I'll finish what I started later on I promise that~ have you sweating, moaning, whining, crying and cumming multiple times. I'll wake Hee up, get her dressed and pack Hee's lunch ok? I'll ensure she's taken care of so get dressed princess and go meet the boys."

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