Act 2, Scene 2

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(A royal fanfare sounds and a beautiful woman dressed all in white approaches the stage with another woman wearing a red, gold, and black dress following close behind. The entire group backs away from the two women, but the Hatter smiles and approaches the woman in white; he kneels before her and takes her hand)

Mad Hatter: Your Majesty, my Queen, my dear Mirana. (kisses her hand as the Queen giggles)

White Queen: Hello, my dear Tarrant. Please, rise. (Hatter does what she says; she smiles at him) It is good to see you again, my friend. (Hatter smiles at her)

Red Queen: Hello, Hatter.

Mad Hatter: (looks at Iracebeth and nervously grins) Hello, Lady Iracebeth. (nervously chuckles)

Elizabeth Swann: Your name is Tarrant?

(The Hatter turns to glare at Elizabeth and she says nothing else; he turns back to the Queen. Alice Kingsleigh approaches and curtsies)

Alice Kingsleigh: Hello, Your Majesty.

White Queen and Red Queen: Hello, Alice.

(Alice smiles and nods at Iracebeth)

Violet Beauregarde and Veruca Salt: (look at Alice) You know her too?!

Alice Kingsleigh: (looks at the two girls) Hush.

(The two girls go silent the moment Iracebeth glares in their direction)

Charlie Bucket: (timidly approaches the White Queen and bows before her) Hello, Your Majesty. My name is Charlie Bucket.

White Queen: (smiles kindly at Charlie) It is a pleasure to meet you, Charlie Bucket. (gently shakes Charlie's hand)

Willy Wonka: (walks towards the Queen and nervously clears his throat) Um, hello. You must be the... the White Queen I heard so much about. My name is Willy Wonka, Your Majesty. (bows before Mirana) It's very nice to meet you. (straightens up and nervously reaches out his gloved hand for her)

White Queen: (giggles, then takes his hand) It's a pleasure to meet you as well, Master Wonka. (glances around and sees everyone else) And I see the rest of you have managed to come. How lovely.

Ichabod Crane: (approaches the Queen and quickly bows) Pardon me for asking this, but... are you truly the one who has sent us these invitations? (holds up his invitation to the Queen, who smiles at him)

White Queen: (nods her head and smiles) Why yes, yes I am.

Sweeney Todd: (his eyes widen at the Queen, then he approaches her with his brow furrowed) So if you are the one who invited all of us to this tea party... then WHY did you invite us? We didn't even know who you were, until now. And I assume you have no idea who the rest of us are.

John Reid: You know he makes a good point.

Tonto: Yes, why you invite me?

Edward Scissorhands: And me?

Captain Jack Sparrow: And me?

Barnabas Collins, Willy Wonka, and Victor Van Dort: And us?

White Queen: Oh yes, of course. The reason I have invited all of you to this party is because—

(The Queen is suddenly interrupted by a loud boom of thunder and a flash of bright red light, which causes everyone to jump)

Alice Kingsleigh: What was that?

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