Chapter 1: A Book's Aflame

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Jungeun's shoes tap to the beat of the song as she approaches the familiar house. The house wasn't what a normal person would call a "beautiful" house, but it always made Jungeun's heart swell whenever her eyes locked on it. The rusted drain pipe, that one broken window they sealed with duct tape, and the maroon door that always squeaks whenever you open it. The house is filled to the brim with memories.

Jungeun, Hyunjin, Yerim, and Kahei used to be part of an art club called Paint the Canvas. Spending about a year with them in Paint the Canvas, Jungeun now considers them family. But Paint the Canvas was eventually discontinued, and still wanting to hang out, they joined The Book Club.

They joined The Book Club 2 years ago. A bit of an ironic name as the club wasn't a book club. It was just a club where a group of people hang out with each other. Although a bit awkward when she first met with Haseul, Yeojin, Sooyoung, and Chaewon, they now all share laughs, comfort each other, tease each other, and scream at each other whenever they play Mario Kart. Jungeun has always considered herself lucky to have found such great people. And every memory Jungeun has had with them happened in this one house.

Jungeun takes out her earbuds as she approaches the house. She walks up to the doorstep, and her finger lightly presses the doorbell.

It doesn't ring.

Oh right, Jungeun thinks to herself, The doorbell broke yesterday because Hyunjin accidentally threw a chair at it.

She knocks instead.

It hasn't even been a second before a smiling Yerim bursts through the door.

"Hi Jungeun! Sooyoung, Haseul, and Kahei are already here! We're just trying a few racing games right now if you want to join!"

Jungeun smiles. It is impossible to not smile whenever you see Yerim.

"Sounds fun! Not today though. Because..."

Jungeun gets closer to Yerim and whispers,

"Someone new is joining next week."

Yerim's eyes widen. Her mouth opens, but right as she is about to say something. Jungeun covers her mouth with her hand.

"Shh. I want it to be a surprise," Jungeun whispers.

Next week is going to be a pretty big day for The Book Club. 2 years with nobody joining, someone finally wants to join.

Jungeun continues, "I have to prepare. You guys can continue playing. I'll probably join later."

Yerim gives her famous smile and a quick wink.

"Your secret is mine to keep," Yerim says.

She giddily skips to the living room. The living room is the place they use often, so after two years with 8 people, you can imagine how beat up the room would be. Countless holes pattern the wall, two beat-up chairs rest on the feathery carpet, and rainbow silky clothes dress the entire floor. Amid all this chaos, in the center of the room, lies the Samsung S95B OLED TV, which came out recently. You could tell that the TV is the thing they care about the most.

Jungeun smiles. It felt like home.

She turns to the kitchen table to prepare for the newcomer.

. . .

Yerim is a very bright girl. Many of her friends say she could replace the sun. She definitely could. Her smile always seems to grow bigger every day. And she never complains. Never gets upset. Always sees the bright side of all problems.

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