Chapter 8: Jealousy and Kisses

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MATURE WARNING!! BE WARNED!! (Listen to song for best experience~)

Narrator's POV:

On the other side of the screen, Izuku was blushing a bit, what in god's name did Todoroki mean by that? Before he could get to the bottom of it his phone rang, it was his mom. He answered it with a big smile, sitting on Bakugo's couch normally. "Mom! Hey, how are you?"

"I'm perfect sweetie, how's the new apartment?" Izuku hadn't even slept in his apartment yet, and his blush came back as he realized that he had spent the night over another man's house before he slept in his own damn house. 

"Uhh well, the cabinets fell apart so I'm gonna have to get those fixed sometime soon, I gotta call the front office though for repairs, see how much it costs y'know?"

"Oh no that's terrible honey, sorry that happened to was the signing though, did you have fun? How was Dynamight? Was he...ah, how do you kids say it these you kids still say 'sexy' or is that already out of style?" 

"Mom!!...yes he was sexy." Izuku turned red, he was talking about how sexy the other was with his mother, it was kind of weird.

Inko giggled on the other line. "Were his muscles real? Did you get pictures?" "Okay mom I love you byeee!!" Izuku heard Inko laugh on the other end, another voice in the background speaking as well. 

"Oh! Before you go sweetheart, do you think you could stop by later this evening? I have someone I want you to meet and her son is coming as well, I think you two would be great friends!" 

Izuku mentally groaned, his mom never grew out of the habit of trying to pair him with kids his age. "Mom..."

"Oh c'mon! He's 26, blonde and your type, just come and see him?" "Mom that's like a 6 year age gap." "Oh please, people this day and age are dating people 20 years older, could you at least come see him? For me?"

Izuku sighed, thinking for a moment. An age gap wasn't bad, and just in case this Bakugo thing wasn't working out the way he wanted he had a backup plan. 

"Okay, I can only stay for a little though alright? Did you need me to stop by the store on the way there?" "No thank you, I love you sweetheart!" "Love you too mom." 

Izuku hangs up and hears the door unlock, checking the time and furrowing his brows in confusion. He looks up and sees the blonde male walking in tiredly.

"Hey, you're home way earlier than I expected you to be, what happened?" Bakugo looked over at Izuku and sits down next to him. "Traffic was so bad I had to call up there and tell them I wasn't gonna make it, I just turned around and drove back."

"Oh..." Izuku kind of just sits there awkwardly, his phone pinging a bunch. Bakugo looks over in curiosity, taking the phone and reading the texts, much to the dismay of Izuku. 

"Who the fuck is Todoroki, and why is he sexting you??" Bakugo huffs and looks over at Izuku with a frown on his face.

"I-I don't know why he's sexting me but that's my bestfriend!!" Izuku reaches for his phone, Bakugo laying down flat on the couch and pulling Izuku on top of him. The greenette squeaks and his legs go to straddle the male, still moving up to grab his phone.

Bakugo opens up the camera pulls Izuku into a deep kiss, snapping a quick picture and pulling away. Izuku was blushing while still trying to get to his phone, he had some embarrassing stuff in his camera roll that he REALLY did not want the other to see.

"Kacchan give me my phone back! You're being unfair!!" Bakugo ignores him and sends the picture to Todoroki, throwing his phone to the other side of the couch. 

Izuku scrambled off of him and got immediately pulled back by Katsuki, who was now sitting up and making the other straddle his lap.

"Kacchan that was really mean..." Izuku huffs and frowns, pushing the others face away. Bakugo clicked his tongue in annoyance, kissing the other softly but firmly. Izuku tries to resist but gives in, kissing him back and wrapping his hands around him.


And that's how 10 minutes later they were aggressively making out shirtless on the couch. Izuku was under the other with a blush on his cheeks while the other was on top, his jeans belt unbuckled and his pants about to come off.

Katsuki pulls away and starts to trail his kisses down the others freckled chest when a knock on the door came. He groaned and got up, answering the door while re-buckling his pants. "The fuck do you want Camie, I'm busy."


Hehe...I'm back~~

Ab. 800 words~~

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