Chapter 30: Attatchment

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MATURE WARNING!! BE WARNED!! (Listen to song for best experience~)

Bakugo's POV:

It was silent as I drove, Auntie Inko was nice enough to let us borrow her car. I didn't know where I was going, so I just headed back to the penthouse.

I had fucked up, badly. I knew I had fucked up, I just...I want to apologize to Izuku, well, apologize again. And..if this rescue mission goes wrong then I want Izuku to know that I'm so grateful to have him. But...first things first.

" to me. How do you feel about this? Like, not the watered down version. I wanna hear what's going through your mind." Shitty opening but I see Izuku look over at me.

It was silent for a bit more before I heard Izuku speak. "I don't know. It's not everyday you find out you're actually a clone of a future kidnapped child, and not only that but the kidnapped child is still alive and kicking. Kacchan, aren't you scared?"

"Oh hell yeah. Terrified. But...I'm hoping you'll stay by my side Izuku, I need you." I heard my voice crack, shit don't cry, not right now. Jesus fuck.

"Izuku, I really need you. Especially now, more than ever. I feel like that scared 10 year old again, who could do nothing but sit there and watch his best friend be taken. Izuku, I don't admit this to anyone, but I feel helpless for the second time in my life."

I felt the pity in his eyes as we pull up to the penthouse. I park and look over at Izuku, grabbing his hand. "Izuku, promise me something." Izuku's face changes into one of sadness and tear-filled eyes, and he opens his mouth to say something but I stop him.

"Promise me!" "Okay Kacchan..w-what is it?"

"Promise me, if one of you guys don't walk out, Izuku I need you to be the one to walk out. I got over Reno, I still love him dearly but I fear losing you would make me end my life." I say, tears running down my face but I manage to keep the permanent scowl on my face.

I see Izuku shake his head and open his mouth to say something but I shake my head. "Izuku, promise me." "...I-I promise Kacchan." I hear him whisper, and I nod and reach over my seat to hug him close.

After we hug for a bit, Izuku pulls away and wipes his tears. "We need a plan Kacchan."

I nod and sit down in my seat, taking a breath. "Okay, what is it?" "Well, the first thing we need to do is find the hidden lab, so I was thinking maybe a bait and follow?" I listen to Izuku explain, and I raise an eyebrow, a bit confused.

"What do you mean?" "I mean we bait them, like being in public somewhere or just attracting their attention. Then we get away, wait for them to leave and then we follow them to their base." Izuku makes hand gestures as he speaks, and I nod.

"Okay, sure, that could work. But first, we both need sleep and food. We both look like death just kissed us." Izuku smiles at the joke I made before laughing, and I swear I have never heard such a beautiful tone enter my ears.


???? POV:

My eyes open for the first time in months, and I immediately try to break the glass with my shoulder. I was in a test cylinder, and they had surrounded me in a jelly like substance, to keep me alive I concluded.

A group of scientists immediately surrounded the cylinder, and one of them says something to the other, and the other one leaves. I can't make it out because of the jelly surrounding me. I wait a few minutes before seeing a man walk in, he was scratching his neck.

"Shigaraki, he is awake." "Put him on the testing table." It's muffled but I can make out the words slightly, and suddenly the cylinder is opened, and I'm picked up by a metal claw, in which it transports me to the table and latches me in so that I cannot move. Shit.

"Hello there." The man with the itch speaks to me and walks up to the table. I glare and grit my teeth as the scientists get me ready for another round of testing.

"Listen, just tell us how to access your last ability and we'll maybe let you go free." He asks, and I immediately shake my head. 

If they find out about my last ability, well, the world and all the timelines that control it can say bye bye.

"Never." I grit out, squirming to get out, and the man groans and rolls his eyes. "Okay, fine, whatever. Tell us where the green headed brat is."

"You'll have to kill me first." I spit out, an IV going into my arm and draining a bit of my blood out. "Okay well we can't kill you. So have fun in the torture chamber." 

The man walks away and suddenly my vision starts to get hazy, I zone in on Izuku and what he's doing, and I smile when I see Kacchan.

"Kacchan..." I mutter, falling asleep as the effects of blood loss hit me.


Ab. 870 words~

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