Chapter 10: Meetings and Surprises

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MATURE WARNING!! BE WARNED!! (Listen to song for best experience~)

Narrator's POV:

Izuku sat down next to Bakugo as the two parents talked, he held his stomach while exhaling. "That was the best mama, did you change up something?" 

"Ah, you flatter me Izuku! I just used fresher eggs, I'm starting a small farm area in a small lot out of town, it helps me get my ingredients faster and a lot cheaper!" Inko smiled and checked the time. 

"Oh my, it got late quite fast didn't it Inko?" Mitsuki commented, standing up and straightening her dress out. "It sure did, Izuku, Katsuki, would you guys like a plate to go?" Inko got up and started to head to the kitchen.

"Ah, no thank you mom, I'm too stuffed to even think about taking anything home with me, but I might stop by tomorrow." Izuku got up and got his keys, giving Inko a big hug.

"See, now why can't we be like that you damn brat??" Mitsuki clicks her tongue in annoyance, looping Katsuki's arm to hers. "At least walk me to my car." Bakugo huffed but nodded, walking her outside.

" you like him? I saw you two giving each other glances!" Inko squealed and Izuku blushed a bit, looking at the ground. "Erm, he's cute, yeah." "You gonna give it a chance?" "Maybe mama, I don't know, we'll just have to see how life plays out, yeah?" Izuku smiled and kissed his mom on the cheek.

"Lock the door as soon as I step out mama!" Izuku leaves, hearing the door shut and lock. He goes to his car and sees Bakugo and Mitsuki hugging, and Katsuki looked...quite sad actually. Deciding to mind his business he gets in his car and drives off.


Izuku made it to the apartments before Katsuki did, he parked and got out of his car when he saw a dark shadow looming near the entrance. He locked the car doors and approached the entrance cautiously. 

Todoroki walked out, a small smile on his face. Izuku let out a breath of relief, playfully nudging Todo in the chest. "Fucking asshole, you scared me!" "Sorry, I really needed to talk to you. Like now." Izuku blinked in confusion, what could the other possibly wanna talk about this late at night?

Todoroki picked up Izuku's hand and led him up the stairs. "You're still a virgin right?" "Uh yeah, why?" "So that blonde piece of shit hasn't taken it from you?" Izuku blinked again, his head tilted to the side as they made it to the 3rd floor.

"Todo-" "Izuku, let me take your virginity." Todoroki pulled Izuku close by the waist with one arm, and the other looped around his waist. 

Izuku blushed heavily and his eyes darted around in panic. "I-I don't think I want you to take it Todo, I'm flattered, really I am-" "So you're saving it for blondie." Todoroki concluded, a flash of anger running through his eyes.

"I have been there for you through thick and thin and you choose the lousiest fucker in Japan? All because he has nice abs! Izuku please, you basically owe this to me." Todoroki scoffed, a smirk making it onto his face.

"Okay woah woah, first of all I don't owe you jack shit, you chose to stay with me then that's what you chose. Second of all, what gives you the right to stand in front of my apartment for god knows how long just to ask for my virginity because I 'owe it to you'?" 

Izuku steps back in disgust, he didn't know his best friend was like this. "Leave please, or I will call the police." Todoroki chuckled and stepped back, going down the stairs. 

"Alright, don't say I didn't try." Izuku ignored that whole statement and huffed, going up to his door and unlocking it. He takes one more look back and goes inside, immediately locking the door.


Izuku had just gotten out of the shower when there was a knock on his door. He threw on some boxers and a long shirt, peeking out of the peephole to see who it was.

He opened the door and there Bakugo was, a neutral look on his face. "Can we talk Deku?"


Ab 700 words~

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