Chapter Two

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Euphemia Lilith Potter who usually just goes by Mia was awoken but the near deafening screeching of her aunt banging on her bedroom (cupboard) door "GET UP YOU LITTLE FREAK, AND START ON MAKING BREAKFAST!"

"Yes, Aunt Petunia," was the answer the young girl gave her aunt and she got up and got dressed and went to do as her aunt had told her to do just like she had done every morning since she was 5 years old.

Mia knew it wasn't a good idea but she was so hungry she had been locked in her cupboard without dinner the night before because in her uncle's words "freaks don't deserve dinner like normal people." It was a normal occurrence which is why Mia is so small for her age. She's 8 but because of her size, she looks like she's younger than that. Her malnourishment and the abuse from her uncle and cousin are significant contributors to her size.

She had served her relatives their food and there was just a bite of eggs left in the pan so she as quickly and hopefully unnoticeable as she could picked it up with her fingers and shoved it in her mouth, she chewed and swallowed just as quickly but it was in vain because her cousin Dudley had seen her and he gave her a look "DAD!"

Veron looked at his son, "What is it, Dudley?"

"The freak kept food for herself." Her uncle's face turned purple in anger as he whipped his head to look at her.

Mia's eyes were wide as she shook her head "No uncle Vernon I didn't."

The older man glared at her "are you calling Dudley a liar?" Mia's eyes widened even further in fear as she shook her head, but her uncle grabbed something off the table, stood up, and rounded on her, the 8-year-old noticed that he was coming at her holding a knife and he was backing her into a corner.

So Mia covered her face with her arm trying to protect her face while panicking thinking that this was finally it, he was finally going to kill her.

Mia had her eyes squeezed shut as she cowered in the corner with her arms over her face, what she didn't realize was in her panic her entire body was covered in a sort of glow, that was greenish-yellow and black, it spread out from her frying all of the electronic devices on the first floor of the house and the metal knife in her uncle's hand flew out of his hand and turned back on him and it stabbed him in the neck which prompted her Aunt Petunia and Dudley to scream.

Their screams made Mia open her eyes and she stared in horror at her uncle on the floor with his hand pressed into his neck trying to stop the bleeding. After getting over shock Petunia had to use the upstairs phone but she called the police and paramedics.

Mia just stayed staring in horror at the sight in front of her, the girl was terrified she had no idea what had happened but she did know that her aunt and cousin were glaring at her in disgust.

The paramedics arrived first and loaded Vernon into an ambulance and they hoped they could get him to the hospital before he bled out, luckily the knife missed his carotid artery meaning there was a chance that he lived.

Petunia and Dudley had to wait for the police to explain what happened before they went to the hospital with Vernon.

Once the police arrived Petunia told them what happened well besides the weird glowing wave thing that came from her freak of a niece. "I don't want that freak back in my house, not after what she just did to my husband, I don't care what you do with her, but I don't want to see her face ever again."

The policeman nodded at the woman, "okay ma'am."

He approached the girl who was still in the same position in the corner and told her that she was coming with them to gather her belongings, Mia nodded numbly still in shock at what happened, she gathered her few belongings after that she was taken to the police station and questioned about what happened.

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