Chapter Six

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"We will need the Potter account manager as well, Darkfang. This is Euphemia Potter the Heiress and future Lady to the House of Potter."

"We will first have to confirm Miss Potter's identity."

"Of course, but I would like to do the blood adoption first so that the results will show up on the inheritance test that will prove Miss Potter's identity."

"Of course Lord Black." Mia just observed as they got everything ready for the blood adoption. She was taking in everything that was going on around her.

Once everything was ready the potion bottle was sat in front of Mia and Reggie smiled at her, "All right Mia now all you have to do is drink the potion and magic will do the rest." She grabbed the potion and surveyed it for a moment before shrugging and downing the contents of the bottle.

Which made Aster snort as she shook her head with a fond look on her face at her niece.

Mia sat the bottle back on the desk in front of her after she had drunk all the potion Mia felt a burning sensation travel through her body, there were only slight changes to her appearance from the blood adoption, and her features were now sharper and more aristocratic. Then a feeling of warmth spread through her as the Black Family Magic accepted Mia into the house of Black. Mia shuddered as the sensation died down, it felt weird to her... she looked at Regulus, "is that all for that part?"

"Yes, Mia, now just to do all the signing on the paperwork to make everything legal in the muggle and magical worlds." Mia nodded at him.

So after like 15 minutes, everything was signed, and Regulus Black was now the magical and legal guardian of Mia. "Now I want to name Mia, the heiress to the House of Black."

Darkfang nodded, "Very well, Lord Black." and then they did all the necessary steps and Mia was named Heiress of the House of Black and with that, the young girl felt a surge of power go through her. Mia blinked in surprise at the feeling but it wasn't an unpleasant feeling, and she liked it.

"Now, the last order of business for us today is the inheritance test for Mia, which will prove that she is the real Mia Potter... and to get the Black Heir ring for Mia."

The Black account manager nodded and waved his hand and a blank parchment appeared on his desk and he pulled a dagger out of the drawer, "Now, seven drops of your blood onto the parchment and all will be revealed... after the test, we will get the ring."

The Goblin held the dagger out to Mia, who hesitantly took it as she looked at Regulus, who nodded at her encouragingly. With the nod of encouragement, from Reggie, the 8-year-old pricked her finger with the dagger and dropped seven drops of blood on the parchment, her blood absorbed into the paper.

And then words started to appear on the paper.



Euphemia Lilith Potter-Black

Date of Birth:
July 31, 1980

Lilith Jasmine Potter Née Evans (Deceased)

James Fleamont Potter (Deceased)
Regulus Arcturus Black (Blood-Adopted)

Sirius Orion Black III (Falsely Imprisoned in Azkaban)

Marlene McKinnon (Whereabouts and Status Unknown)

Magical Guardian:

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