Chapter Eleven

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The following day after the trial, everything was plastered on every front page of a magical newspaper, from the daily profit to the quibbler and every other magical newspaper there was Amelia had come through with her promise that it would happen.

And as predicted Reggie received a letter from Gringotts, saying that Marlene McKinnon was at the bank looking for information about Sirius. He had hoped that both Marlene and Remus would but he would work with what was given right now and worry about Remus later.

Reggie smirked; he knew that it would work, so he told Aster that he would be taking a trip to Gringotts and would be back later. He asked Aster to tell his brother and Mia about it and that he would explain when he got back.

The redhead agreed and Reggie was on his way.

Once he was inside the bank he was met with Darkfang, "Lady Mckinnon is waiting in my office I was awaiting your arrival before speaking to her."

"Thank you Darkfang." he followed the goblin through the halls and to his office.

"Sorry to keep you waiting Lady Mckinnon but someone else needed to be present before we got into this conversation," Darkfang spoke to the witch.

The blonde witch looked confused and then gasped when she saw Regulus standing behind the goblin, "Reg?"

He smiled at her, "Hey Marls... been a long time."

"What the hell is going on Reg?" She may be a little confused but there was one thing that she had always been certain of, "I knew he was innocent but I couldn't prove it so I went into hiding essentially faking my death, trying to figure out how to get Siri out, and then imagine my surprise when I saw his innocence plastered all over every magical newspaper I came across... did you have something to do with it?"

Reggie smirked at the blonde witch, "Yeah, I had Amelia pull every string that she could to make that happen, and I'll explain everything but first, you need to get tested for blocks and compulsions before I reveal anything else."

The Mckinnon witch was confused but agreed to get tested and cleansed if needed. 20 minutes later the blonde witch came back into the room fuming at the results and immediately had the cleansing ritual done after she had read the results. "I can't believe that Dumbledore would place compulsions on us."

Reggie scoffed, "I know the so-called leader of the light is not as light as he wants the world to believe, and we are working to expose him and get him out of a position of power and influence... will you help us?"

There was no hesitation in her answer, "Hell yeah, have you seen Siri? How is he?"

"Good, now we just need Remus on our side... which he'll come around I know he will, and then it's onto phase two of gathering allies against the old bastard, and Siri is okay he needs to heal, mentally from his exposure to the dementors but I've got the best healer I know and trust working with him... do you want to see him? I know he would like that."

Marlene smiled "Yeah I would love that." she had missed Sirius so much and she never gave up on trying to figure out how to prove his innocence she never once believed that he would do any of what they accused him of eight years ago.

Reggie nodded, "All right then, let's go." he was going to wait and let her be surprised by seeing her goddaughter for the first time since she was a baby. They left the bank and headed to the Leaky Cauldron to use the Floo.

Once they were inside Charles' office Reggie led Marlene out of the room and towards the medbay where he figured that Sirius would be only to be met with his wife looking highly amused behind Logan who was rocking a new neon green hair color, he didn't look mad though just highly annoyed.

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