Chapter Four

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Mia had been shown to her room and left to her own devices for a bit to settle in. Meanwhile, Aster was pacing around her and Reggie's room, and she was livid she hadn't shown it in front of Mia, not wanting to frighten her and make her think that she had done something wrong.

Aster paused her pacing at the sound of her husband's voice, "Ma Fleur étoile" She looked at him, "They will all get what's coming to them, we just need to plan everything to perfection so that it can't be led back to us."

Aster breathed out, "It's just who knows the horrors that little girl has seen, We probably need to get her to the infirmary for a medical scan and to see her medical records, They no doubt neglected her to some degree because I know how Petunia is, she's a horrible, spiteful, pathetic excuse for a human being and would take her petty jealousy out on Lily's daughter... I should give her a piece of my mind for that, but that could end up with Dumblewhore knowing where Mia is, and I can't let him ruin her childhood any more than he already has."

Reggie walked over and wrapped his wife in a hug, "Ma Fleur étoile, we will protect her..." he smirked as an idea popped into his head, "In fact, I have a plan, but it involves telling her that she's a witch."

Aster gave him a look, but nodded, "I planned to do that anyway tonight after dinner after everything else has had a chance to sort of sink in for Mia."

"Okay, then I will tell you my idea after you've informed her about her magic."

Regulus was still smirking, as he knew that this idea of his was really going to throw a kink into whatever the old man's plans were, he may not know what they were, but he knew that this would be making Mia more powerful and less susceptible to being manipulated.

"Judging by the look on your face, my love, I know this is going to be a good idea." he kissed her on the head.

Mia couldn't believe that she had more family that could have taken her in when her parents died, She couldn't help but wonder why she had been left with the Dursleys if she had another aunt and uncle that could and would have taken her in.

Tears welled up in her eyes the more she thought about it. She could have had an actual childhood, instead of being treated like a servant and getting beaten by her uncle and cousin while her aunt Petunia would just watch and do nothing to stop it.

Tears fell down her face as she curled up on her bed and a quiet sob racked her small body, She was finally letting it all out, for all the pain she had been put through, she never cried anytime her uncle or cousin would hit her because she learned early on that it only made it worse.

She eventually ended up falling asleep, curled up on the bed, She didn't realize how long she had been asleep until Aster had knocked on the door. "Mia?"

The older woman opened the door, hearing a groggy voice, "Come in." Mia sat up and blinked a few times, wiping the sleep from her eyes.

"I brought you some clothes, thought you might want to freshen up before dinner and would feel more comfortable in clothes hopefully more your style."

Mia gave her a small smile, "Thank you."

"Of course, Dinner will be ready in 45 minutes, I'll come and get you and show you the way to the dining room."

Mia nodded at her, thanking her again. Aster then left the girl to freshen up. Mia grabbed the clothes and noticed that they were very different from Dudley's old hand-me-downs, which was all she was used to. Mia smiled to herself, she did quite like the outfit chosen for her.

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