Chapter Ten

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Bianca stood quietly after the ritual had been completed tears in her eyes wondering why the man had taken her from her family who clearly loved and adored her and her twin brother Blaise.

Mia immediately wrapped her arms around her friend and hugged her tightly seeing the tears falling down her face. "It's okay B... he will not get away with everything that he's done to us, Aunt Aster and Uncle Reggie won't let him."

Aster laid a hand on her shoulder, "Mia is right Bianca, we won't let him get away with this... any of it, it might take a while for everything to come together but in the end he will get what he deserves." The three stood there a few moments more Bianca processing all of the emotions she felt and preparing herself a little to meet her mother and brother for the first time since she was two years old.

Bianca blew out a breath and looked at the other two, "I'm ready to go back in there now." Mia hugged her tightly again before letting go but she still held onto her arm letting the other girl know that she was there with her. Which Bianca appreciated.

They made their way back into the office where Reggie was talking to Francesca and Blaise, he had explained a little more to the two while they waited on the others to return. Blaise looked to the door as it opened and there was a hopeful look in his eyes as they locked with his twin sisters. Both tearing up as the eight year old ran toward him and they hugged, making Mia smile.

Francesca teared up as well as she hugged both of her children, this was a moment that she thought she would never get to have both her babies together in a room with her.

The older Italian woman smiled softly at her daughter as she spoke, "Reg was telling me about your mutation... it's something that you got from your father, he had the gene but never activated it, but his mother was a mutant and a witch so he knew he had the x gene."

Bianca was surprised to hear that but Blaise smiled as he excitedly said, "I've got it too and activated as well, just recently too mum was thinking about sending me to that school for mutant kids to learn to control it better."

Mia smiled watching her friend bond with her mother and brother, "that's awesome because that is where we go as well, it's a great place." Francesca looked at Mia.

"You're Mia Potter, correct?"

"Well Mia Potter-Black but yes... I'm assuming Uncle Reggie has explained things just a little bit anyway?"

"Yes he's spoken on how close you and Bianca have become and was telling more about the school the two of you attend which I was previously thinking of enrolling Blaise as he said."

"It would be a great idea." Aster agreed. "We haven't been properly introduced yet, Aster Black. Reggie's wife." Francesca smiled at the red haired woman.

After they left Gringotts, Reggie decided to bring Blaise and Francesca to the school so she could really decide if she wanted to send Blaise there as well. The three eight year olds got along really well as soon as they started hanging out. Mia and Bianca showed Blaise around the school while their mother spoke to Charles about enrolling her son there to help him learn to control his mutation.

And by the end she had decided that she would enroll him. Which made Mia and Bianca happy because that meant that Bianca would get to stay, but also re-bond with her twin brother as well.


Saturday had rolled around and it was time for Sirius' trail Mia had wanted to go but Reggie reasoned with her that it would be too dangerous that she might be recognized by Dumbledore and it would raise a whole lot of issues but he promised that she would be the first to see her godfather once they arrived back at the school.

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